Chapter 20 Logs
P-660HWP-Dx User’s Guide
Recv <packet> IKE uses ISAKMP to transmit data. Each ISAKMP packet
contains many different types of payloads. All of them show in
the LOG. Refer to RFC2408 – ISAKMP for a list of all
ISAKMP payload types.
Recv <Main or Aggressive>
Mode request from <IP>
The router received an IKE negotiation request from the peer
address specified.
Send <Main or Aggressive>
Mode request to <IP>
The router started negotiation with the peer.
Invalid IP <Peer local> /
<Peer local>
The peer’s “Local IP Address” is invalid.
Remote IP <Remote IP> /
<Remote IP> conflicts
The security gateway is set to “” and the router used
the peer’s “Local Address” as the router’s “Remote Address”.
This information conflicted with static rule #d; thus the
connection is not allowed.
Phase 1 ID type mismatch This router’s "Peer ID Type" is different from the peer IPSec
router's "Local ID Type".
Phase 1 ID content mismatch This router’s "Peer ID Content" is different from the peer
IPSec router's "Local ID Content".
No known phase 1 ID type
The router could not find a known phase 1 ID in the
connection attempt.
ID type mismatch. Local /
Peer: <Local ID type/Peer ID
The phase 1 ID types do not match.
ID content mismatch The phase 1 ID contents do not match.
Configured Peer ID Content:
<Configured Peer ID Content>
The phase 1 ID contents do not match and the configured
"Peer ID Content" is displayed.
Incoming ID Content:
<Incoming Peer ID Content>
The phase 1 ID contents do not match and the incoming
packet's ID content is displayed.
Unsupported local ID Type:
The phase 1 ID type is not supported by the router.
Build Phase 1 ID The router has started to build the phase 1 ID.
Adjust TCP MSS to%d The router automatically changed the TCP Maximum
Segment Size value after establishing a tunnel.
Rule <%d> input idle time
out, disconnect
The tunnel for the listed rule was dropped because there was
no inbound traffic within the idle timeout period.
XAUTH succeed! Username:
The router used extended authentication to authenticate the
listed username.
XAUTH fail! Username:
The router was not able to use extended authentication to
authenticate the listed username.
Rule[%d] Phase 1 negotiation
mode mismatch
The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 negotiation mode did not match
between the router and the peer.
Rule [%d] Phase 1 encryption
algorithm mismatch
The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 encryption algorithm did not
match between the router and the peer.
Rule [%d] Phase 1
authentication algorithm
The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 authentication algorithm did not
match between the router and the peer.
Table 123 IKE Logs (continued)LOG MESSAGE DESCRIPTION