Chapter 15 Bandwidth Management
P-660HWP-Dx User’s Guide
If you use VoIP and NetMeeting at the same time, the device allocates up to 500 Kbps of
bandwidth to each of them before it allocates any bandwidth to FTP. As a result, FTP can only
use bandwidth when VoIP and NetMeeting do not use all of their allocated bandwidth.
Suppose you try to browse the web too. In this case, VoIP, NetMeeting and FTP all have
higher priority, so they get to use the bandwidth first. You can only browse the web when
VoIP, NetMeeting, and FTP do not use all 1000 Kbps of available bandwidth.
15.8 Configuring Summary
Click Advanced > Bandwidth MGMT to open the screen as shown next.
Enable bandwidth management on an interface and set the maximum allowed bandwidth for
that interface.
Figure 130 Bandwidth Management: Summary
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 91 Media Bandwidth Management: Summary
Interface These read-only labels represent the physical interfaces. Select an interface’s check
box to enable bandwidth management on that interface. Bandwidth management
applies to all traffic flowing out of the router through the interface, regardless of the
traffic’s source.
Traffic redirect or IP alias may cause LAN-to-LAN traffic to pass through the P-
660HWP-Dx and be managed by bandwidth management.
Active Select an interface’s check box to enable bandwidth management on that interface.
Speed (kbps) Enter the amount of bandwidth for this interface that you want to allocate using
bandwidth management.
The recommendation is to set this speed to match the interface’s actual transmission
speed. For example, set the WAN interface speed to 1000 kbps if your Internet
connection has an upstream transmission speed of 1 Mbps.
You can set this number higher than the interface’s actual transmission speed. This
may stop lower priority traffic from being sent if higher priority traffic uses all of the
actual bandwidth.
You can also set this number lower than the interface’s actual transmission speed. If
you do not enable Max Bandwidth Usage, this will cause the P-660HWP-Dx to not use
some of the interface’s available bandwidth.