Chapter 18 Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP)
P-660HWP-Dx User’s Guide 49
18.3 Installing UPnP in Windows ExampleThis section shows how to install UPnP in Windows Me and Windows XP.
18.3.1 Installing UPnP in Windows Me
Follow the steps below to install the UPnP in Windows Me.
1Click Start and Control Panel. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
2Click on the Windows Setup tab and select Communication in the Components
selection box. Click Details.
Figure 146 Add/Remove Programs: Windows Setup: Communication
3In the Communications window, select the Universal Plug and Play check box in the
Components selection box.
Allow UPnP to pass through
Select this check box to allow traffic from UPnP-enabled applications to
bypass the firewall.
Clear this check box to have the firewall block all UPnP application
packets (for example, MSN packets).
Apply Click Apply to save the setting to the P-660HWP-Dx.
Cancel Click Cancel to return to the previously saved settings.
Table 106 Configuring UPnP