Chapter 20 Logs
P-660HWP-Dx User’s Guide
Enrollment successful The SCEP online certificate enrollment was successful. The
Destination field records the certification authority server IP address
and port.
Enrollment failed The SCEP online certificate enrollment failed. The Destination field
records the certification authority server’s IP address and port.
Failed to resolve
<SCEP CA server url>
The SCEP online certificate enrollment failed because the certification
authority server’s address cannot be resolved.
Enrollment successful The CMP online certificate enrollment was successful. The Destination
field records the certification authority server’s IP address and port.
Enrollment failed The CMP online certificate enrollment failed. The Destination field
records the certification authority server’s IP address and port.
Failed to resolve <CMP
CA server url>
The CMP online certificate enrollment failed because the certification
authority server’s IP address cannot be resolved.
Rcvd ca cert: <subject
The router received a certification authority certificate, with subject
name as recorded, from the LDAP server whose IP address and port
are recorded in the Source field.
Rcvd user cert:
<subject name>
The router received a user certificate, with subject name as recorded,
from the LDAP server whose IP address and port are recorded in the
Source field.
Rcvd CRL <size>:
<issuer name>
The router received a CRL (Certificate Revocation List), with size and
issuer name as recorded, from the LDAP server whose IP address and
port are recorded in the Source field.
Rcvd ARL <size>:
<issuer name>
The router received an ARL (Authority Revocation List), with size and
issuer name as recorded, from the LDAP server whose address and
port are recorded in the Source field.
Failed to decode the
received ca cert
The router received a corrupted certification authority certificate from
the LDAP server whose address and port are recorded in the Source
Failed to decode the
received user cert
The router received a corrupted user certificate from the LDAP server
whose address and port are recorded in the Source field.
Failed to decode the
received CRL
The router received a corrupted CRL (Certificate Revocation List) from
the LDAP server whose address and port are recorded in the Source
Failed to decode the
received ARL
The router received a corrupted ARL (Authority Revocation List) from
the LDAP server whose address and port are recorded in the Source
Rcvd data <size> too
large! Max size
allowed: <max size>
The router received directory data that was too large (the size is listed)
from the LDAP server whose address and port are recorded in the
Source field. The maximum size of directory data that the router allows
is also recorded.
Cert trusted: <subject
The router has verified the path of the certificate with the listed subject
Due to <reason codes>,
cert not trusted:
<subject name>
Due to the reasons listed, the certificate with the listed subject name
has not passed the path verification. The recorded reason codes are
only approximate reasons for not trusting the certificate. Please see
Table 125 on page 49 for the corresponding descriptions of the codes.