Chapter 13 Certificates
P-660HWP-Dx User’s Guide
Figure 125 Security > Certificates > Directory Server > AddThe following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 82 Security > Certificates > Directory Server > AddLABEL DESCRIPTION
Directory Service
Name Type up to 31 ASCII characters (spaces are not permitted) to identify this
directory server.
Access Protocol Use the drop-down list box to select the access protocol used by the directory
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a protocol over TCP that
specifies how clients access directories of certificates and lists of revoked
A. At the time of writing, LDAP is the only choice of directory server access protocol.
Server Address Type the IP address (in dotted decimal notation) or the domain name of the
directory server.
Server Port This field displays the default server port number of the protocol that you select in
the Access Protocol field.
You may change the server port number if needed, however you must use the
same server port number that the directory server uses.
389 is the default server port number for LDAP.
Login Setting
Login The P-660HWP-Dx may need to authenticate itself in order to assess the
directory server. Type the login name (up to 31 ASCII characters) from the entity
maintaining the directory server (usually a certification authority).
Password Type the password (up to 31 ASCII characters) from the entity maintaining the
directory server (usually a certification authority).
Back Click Back to go to the previous screen.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the P-660HWP-Dx.
Cancel Click Cancel to quit configuring this screen and return to the Directory Servers