Table 55 Logs: Log Settings (continued)
Description | This field displays a short description about the syslog. |
Interval Time | This field displays how often the VSG sends the logs. If available, enter the number |
| of minutes the VSG waits between sending the syslog. |
Type | This field displays the type number of a log. This number is |
Apply | Click Apply to save the settings. |
The following table describes the log formats.
Table 56 Logs: Log Format
System | Id <MAC Address> System Uptime <0 days 00h:04m:00s> | Each time interval |
Information | WAN <FrameTxOK FrameRxOK FrameTxError | specified (between |
| FrameRxError> LAN <FrameTxOK FrameRxOK | 1 and 10080 |
| FrameTxError FrameRxError> | minutes). |
System Boot | Id <MAC Address> System Up | Each time when |
Notice |
| the device reboots. |
System Account | Id <MAC Address> System Account Activity Information | Each time when |
Activity | <Username, User IP, Status> | the system account |
Information | Where: | logs in or logs out. |
| |
| Username = Administrator Supervisor Accounting Operator |
| User IP = IP Address |
| Status = Login Logout Idle Time Out |
Account Created | Id <Mac Address> Account Create <username, Account | When an account |
| usage time, Billing profile information> | is created. |
| Where: |
| Username = Single account <username> or Batch account |
| <prefix, from, to, postfix>] |
| Billing profile information = index, name |
Subscriber | Id <MAC Address> Subscriber Trace <username, user IP, | When a subscriber |
Trace | user MAC, interface, login time, logout time, RxData count, | logs out. |
| TxData count> |
Id <MAC Address> | Each time interval | |
| users, Start Number, End Number) (Username, user IP, user | specified. |
| MAC, interface, login time, RxData count, TxData count> |
| [additional information] |
User Agreement |
Billing Log | Id <Mac Address> Billing Log <Username, Billing profile | When a log is |
| information, Log time, Usage time, Bill, Charge From> | created |
| Where: |
| Charge From = PMS Dynamic |
| Billing profile name = Name |
| Log time = MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |
| Usage time = “x minutes” “Expire when 00:00” |
| Billing profile information = index, name |
173 | Chapter 24 Syslog |