VSG-1200 V2 User’s Guide


Table 9 System Settings: WAN/LAN: PPTP (continued)











TCP MSS Setting

Enter the size of the Maximum Segment Size (MSS).





Connections ID/Name

Enter your identification name of the PPTP server assigned to you by the ISP.





Connect on Demand

Select this option when you don’t want the connection up all the time and



specify an idle timeout in the Max Idle Time field (maximum 65535 minutes).



This is the default setting with an idle timeout of 10 minutes.


Keep Alive

Select this option when you want the Internet connection up all the time and



specify a redial period in the Redial Period field (maximum 65535 seconds).



When disconnected, the VSG will attempt to bring up the connection after the



redial period.

Chapter 6 LAN and WAN Setup