Chapter 7 Connection Wizard

7.2.3 Wireless Configuration

Configure the wireless network settings on your WAP3205 in the following screen. The screen varies depending on the device configuration mode. Universal Repeater Mode

When the WAP3205 is in universal repeater mode, the WAP3205 works as an access point and wireless client at the same time. You can let wireless clients connect to another AP or wireless router through the WAP3205 to expand wireless coverage.

Network Selection

Select the wireless device to which you want the WAP3205 to connect and click Connect. Click Refresh to update the list of available wireless devices.

Figure 31 Wireless Configuration: Select a Network

Wireless Security

Configure wireless and wireless security settings. The fields that show up depend on the security type used by the wireless device you selected. The SSID displays



WAP3205 User’s Guide