Chapter 3: Testing Performance
To test the multiple-clock state acquisition
dConnect all clock channels to the pulse generator channel 1 output.
eClick OK to close the Analyzer Setup dialog.
4Select the logic analyzer sample positions:
a Click the Sampling Setup icon. The Analyzer Setup dialog opens with the Sampling tab displayed.
b Click Sample Positions....
c In the Sample Positions dialog, drag the blue bar for My Bus 1 to the sample position of the first setup/hold combination to be tested (or enter the value in the signal fields).
dClick OK to close the Sample Positions dialog.
5Verify the test data:
a Click the Run icon.
b If you have not already done so, do “Set up the Markers:” on page 34.
c If the "can't find 4096 occurence(s)" message does not appear, then the test passes.
The test passes when the logic analyzer finds all occurances of the patterns programmed into the Markers. If the test passes, record a "Pass" in the performance test record under