Emerson CC1000DM user manual EC Declaration of Conformity

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R e g u l a t o r y

EC Declaration of Conformity

According to EN 45014:1998

Manufacturer’s Name: Artesyn Technologies

Communication Products Division

Manufacturer’s Address: 8310 Excelsior Drive

Madison, Wisconsin 53717

Declares that the following product, in accordance with the requirements of 89/336/EEC, EMC direc- tive and 99/5/EC, RTTE directive and their amending directives,

Product: Compact PCI Carrier Card

Model Name/Number: CC1000dm/10005129-xx

has been designed and manufactured to the following specifications:

EN55022:1998 Information Technology Equipment, Radio disturbance characteristics, Limits and methods of measurement

EN55024:1998 Information Technology Equipment, Immunity characteristics, Limits and methods of measurement

EN300386 V.1.3.1 Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM); Telecommunication network equipment; EMC requirements

As manufacturer we hereby declare that the product named above has been designed to comply with the relevant sections of the above referenced specifications. This product complies with the essential health and safety requirements of the EMC directive and RTTE directive. We have an internal produc- tion control system that ensures compliance between the manufactured products and the technical documentation.

Issue date: May 10, 2006

ii CC1000dm User’s Manual


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Contents CC1000dm Revision Level Principal Changes Date Regulatory Agency Warnings & Notices EC Declaration of Conformity Contents PCI Bridge Features PMC Module Installation Bridge EepromFigures G u r e s Tables Ta b l e s Registers G i s t e r s Overview N. .C.T.I.O. N. .A. L. . O. .V.E. R. .V.I.E.W Functional OverviewProduct Certification Type SpecificationRoHS Compliance Terminology and Notation Technical ReferencesAdditional Information Device / Interface DocumentDocument 6CC1000dm User’s Manual 10004281-02 Setup Width DepthCC1000dm Circuit Board Component Map, Top revCC1000dm Circuit Board Identification Numbers Connectors Fuses and Jumpers Jumper/Header Locations, Top View CC1000dm Setup Multiple Option Selection JP3CC1000dm Setup Signal Name Bit SelectionSignal Name Pin SignalBit Selection Jumper Jumper Position ModeSelPower Requirements Environmental ConsiderationsOperational Checks Typical Current Voltage Range AmpsS. E. .T. .M. E. .T.H. O. .D.S Reset Methods Non-transparentTroubleshooting O. U. .B. L. E. .S.H. O. .O. T. I. N. .G14CC1000dm User’s Manual 10004281-02 PMC/PCI Interface PMC Module Installation Device MappingC / P C I I N T E R F a C E VoltsBase cPCI Interrupt Transparent Mode Assignment Secondary Timing InterruptsBase PCI Interrupt System controller modesInternal Arbiter Control Register CC1000dm Request/Grant Local PCI Bus Device I.D. G. .E. .E.E. P. .R.O. M Bridge EepromPCI 6254 Configuration Registers PCI 6254 Configuration Registers Power Management CSR38h Reserved Status PCI Identification Values PCI 6254 Bridge ModeVendor Device Subsystem ID hex PCI Bus Control Signals I. .B.U. S. . C. .O. N. .T.R. O. .L. .S.I.G. N. .A.L. SPCI Bus Control Signals PMC Connector Pin Assignments Pin J11 J12 J13 J14Pin J11 J13 J14 Pin J11 J12Pin J21 J23 J24 Pin J21 J22Pin J21 J22 J23 J24 Carrier Card BUS Interface O. C. .K. .G. E. .N. E. R. .A.T. I.O. .N Arbitration and Device SelectionHot Swap Model DescriptionImplementation Hot SwapSignal Description CC1000dm Control SignalsPin Row Z Row a Row B Row C Row D Row E Row F Backplane Connector Pin Assignments Pin Row Z Row a Row B Row C Row D Row ERow F Pin Row a Row B Row C Row D Row E Row FPin Row a Row B Row C Row D Row E Backplane Connector Pin Assignments 10CC1000dm User’s Manual 10004281-02 CPCI PrPMCO s s a r y Index D e Page W. a r t e s y n c p . c o m