In order to expand font support to emulate the full 35 original PostScript printer fonts, you will need to purchase Microsoft's Font Pack 1. Font Pack 1 is sold and supported by Microsoft Corporation.
If you decide to purchase Font Pack 1, the WinType 4000's PostScript mode will emulate these 35 PostScript printer fonts by substituting these fonts as TrueType fonts. See the list below.
Original PostScript Font Name | TrueType Substitute |
Courier | CourierNew |
Courier Bold | CourierNew Bold |
Courier Oblique | CourierNew Italic |
Courier BoldOblique | Courier BoldItalic |
Times Roman | TimesNewRoman |
Times Roman Bold | TimesNewRoman Bold |
Times Roman Oblique | TimesNewRoman Italic |
Times Roman BoldOblique | TimesNewRoman BoldItalic |
Helvetica | Arial |
Helvetica Bold | Arial Bold |
Helvetica Oblique | Arial Italic |
Helvetica BoldOblique | Arial BoldItalic |
Symbol | Symbol |
Palatino Roman | BookAntiqua |
Palatino Bold | BookAntiqua Bold |
Palatino BoldItalic | BookAntiqua BoldItalic |
Palatino Italic | BookAntiqua Italic |
Helvetica Narrow | ArialNarrow |
Helvetica Narrow Bold | ArialNarrow Bold |
Helvetica Narrow Oblique | ArialNarrow Italic |
Helvetica Narrow BoldOblique | ArialNarrow BoldItalic |
Bookman Light | BookmanOldStyle |
Bookman Demi | BookmanOldStyle Bold |
Bookman DemiItalic | BookmanOldStyle BoldItalic |
Bookman LightItalic | BookmanOldStyle Italic |
AvanteGarde Book | CenturyGothic |
AvanteGarde Demi | CenturyGothic Bold |
AvanteGarde DemiOblique | CenturyGothic BoldItalic |
AvanteGarde BookOblique | CenturyGothic Italic |
NewCenturySchlbk Roman | CenturySchoolbook |
NewCenturySchlbk Bold | CenturySchoolbook Bold |
NewCenturySchlbk BoldItalic | CenturySchoolbook BoldItalic |
NewCenturySchlbk Italic | CenturySchoolbook Italic |
ZapfChancery MediumItalic | MonotypeCorsiva |
ZapfDingbats | MonotypeSorts |