Installation and Configuration
User Options and Settings
User Options and Settings
If you remove the unit's cover, use proper static control techniques to avoid damage to
You can customize remote operation settings for OVP (over voltage protection) control and TTL shutdown by changing jumper positions on the
OVP Over voltage protection (OVP) on the
control the OVP trip level using the OVSET software command. If you return the power supply to local operation by using the REN software command or the front panel LOCAL switch, control of the OVP trip level changes from software control to the front panel OVP potentiometer. The default OVP trip level is set as 110% of the power supply's rated output voltage. See Table 2.10, on page 28 for a complete list of remote power ON default settings.
You can isolate the location of OVP control by changing the positions of the Local OVP Control jumper J65 and the Remote OVP Control jumper J103, both on the
Table 2.12 OVP Control Mode Selection
PCB Jumper | PCB Jumper | OVP Programming Selection |
J65 Position | J103 Position |
Closed (default) | Closed (default) | Software or Front Panel OVP control |
| (dependent on the power supply operating state) |
Closed | Open | Software OVP control only |
Open | Closed | Front Panel OVP control only |
Open | Open | Front Panel OVP control only |
32 | Operating Manual for |