1.Launch the Internet Explorer
2.Key in “http://” + “IP Address” of the 8 10/100/
3.Login screen will appear right after
4.Key in the password(The default password is “root”)
5.And then, click
Apply , and then configuration is ready to be set up
Main Interface
System Configuration
Display system parameters information as listed below, and the other parameters of system can be configured as well.
MAC Address: The unique hardware address assigned by manufacturer (default)
S/W Version: The Software Version of Kernel
H/W Version: The Hardware Version of Switch
Active IP Address: Current IP Address
Active Subnet Mask: Current IP Subnet Mask
Active Gateway: Current Gateway
DHCP Server: DHCP Server IP Address
Lease Time Left: The DHCP lease time. After 50% of the lease time has passed, the client/switch will attempt to renew the lease with the original DHCP server that it obtained the lease from using a DHCPREQUEST message. Any