C H A P T E R 1
Using the Command-Line Interface
This chapter describes what you need to know about the Cisco IOS software (the software that runs the ATM switch router) before you begin to configure it, and includes the following sections:
Getting Help
Understanding Command Modes
Understanding Interface Numbering
Undoing a Command or Feature
Displaying the Configuration
Saving Configuration Changes
Understanding these concepts will save you time later on. If you have never used the Cisco IOS software or need a refresher, take a few minutes to read this chapter before you proceed to the next chapter.
If you are already familiar with the CiscoIOS software, skip this chapter and proceed to the next chapter, “Getting Started.”
Note This document assumes you have already connected all necessary external devices to the ATM switch router and configured your PC terminal emulation program for 9600baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and 2 stop bits.
Using the