Switch Management
Worldwide Name Pressing <Enter> while Worldwide Name is selected, displays:
Worldwide Name: 10:0:0:60:69:0:0:e
The switch’s WWN is a unique numeric identifier for each switch and it is assigned by the manufacturer. A numbering scheme administrated globally assures that this WWN is unique.
Firmware Version Pressing <Enter> while Firmware Version is selected, displays:
Firmware Version v1.4
Current Date Pressing <Enter> while Current Date is selected, displays:
Current Date:
Mon Oct 21 10:23:35 1997
Booted At Pressing <Enter> while Booted At is selected, displays:
Booted At:
Sat Sep 19 18:34:20 1997
Firmware Date The date always reflects the firmware assembly date. The Firmware Date reflects the date code of the current executing firmware on the CPU. Flash Date reflects the firmware date in flash memory. These dates may not match if the flash memory has been updated with new firmware but the switch has not yet been rebooted. When the switch is rebooted the flash code becomes the executing CPU code, both dates match.
Pressing <Enter> while Firmware Date is selected, displays the date of the switch’s firmware: