ATTO Technology VT-Class manual Atto ExpressNAV Browser-based Interface, Navigating ExpressNAV

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5.0 ATTO ExpressNAV: Browser-based Interface

The easiest way to communicate with the Diamond Storage Array is to use ATTO ExpressNAV, a user-friendly GUI interface accessed through a browser to control the most common capabilities of the array.

Access ATTO ExpressNAV from any browser that supports the latest standards for XHTML 1.0 and CSS1. To take full advantage of the ExpressNAV interface you should have Java script enabled through your browser.

Browser compatibility

All pages are written in pure XHTML 1.0 and CSS1 to be compatible with the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla (including K-Meleon, Camino, Mozilla Firefox, Epiphany and Galeon), and KHTML (including Konqueror and Safari).

Minimum requirement is for Internet Explorer 5.5 and Netscape 6.2.

To optimize ExpressNAV in Internet Explorer

1Go to the browser toolbar and click on Tools

2Click on Internet Options

3Click on the Security tab

4Click on the Custom Level button.

5Click on Microsoft VM, Java permissions

6Ensure Disable Java is not selected.

7Click on the Miscellaneous tab.

8Click on Metarefresh

Opening an ExpressNAV session

1Obtain the IP address of the array.

2Type the IP address of the array into the browser address window.

3The ExpressNAV interface splash screen is displayed. Click on Enter.

4Enter the username and password set previously in ATTO ExpressNAV: Browser-based Interface on page 23.

The default username is Diamond

The default password is Password

5The product faceplate display appears. Click the component you want to manage on the left- hand side menu or go to the Advanced screen to use the CLI.

Navigating ExpressNAV

All pages are accessible by clicking on their titles on the left side of the page. You may also go back one page or go to the Home page via the titles on the left side of the page.

Clicking on any of the red option names will bring up a help window. After making changes on a page, click the Submit button at the bottom. Clicking this button is equivalent to typing in all the CLI commands and then the command saveconfiguration norestart.


ATTO Technology Inc. Diamond Storage Array Installation and Operation Manual

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Contents Diamond Storage Array VT-Class Page Page Contents Atto ExpressNAV Browser-based Interface ExpressNAV PagesMaintenance Services Commands Fibre Channel Configuration CommandsSerial Port Configuration Commands Diagnostic CommandsDrive Management Commands ECCResetting Defaults Configuring the Diamond-VTDiagnostics, Upgrade and Maintenance Troubleshooting Virtual TapeAppendix F Product Safety Xiii Appendix D Sample Zoning Command SequencesAppendix E Specifications Xii Appendix G Part numbers Xiv Appendix H WarrantyDisclaimer PrefaceAtto Technology, Inc Page Diamond-VT features Diamond Storage Array-VT Product OverviewFibre Channel model Scsi modelEthernet Diamond-VT Technical OverviewRS-232 400MB/secAdxt Powers ATA to New Levels ATA Interface Engine AIE The interface to eachSet up the Ethernet connection Installation InstructionsPhysical setup Connect to EthernetConnect to Ethernet, on page 5, follow Set up Virtual Tape configurationConfiguration examples RAID Level 10 with Hot Spare sledsDiamond-VT Components Floor modelRack mount model Floor Model Diamond-VT Physical SetupRack Mount Physical setup Autoconfiguration Connecting a Fibre Channel ArrayManual configuration Fibre Channel connections Bus speed, MB/sec Bus width Max. bus lengths Max. device Connecting a Scsi ArrayTo connect the Scsi Diamond-VT BitsScsi connections Atto ExpressNAV Accessing the Diamond-VTCommand Line Interface RS-232 portSnmp Details In-band CLI Over Fibre ChannelInitiator Host Diamond-VT Initiator/Host Diamond-VT Serial Port Access Serial port access To use Telnet Ethernet Access Telnet and Snmp ProtocolsTo connect to the Ethernet port To use SnmpTraps are generated for the following situations Navigating ExpressNAV Atto ExpressNAV Browser-based InterfaceBrowser compatibility Reset button Parameter name Submit buttonExpressNAV Pages Logical Units Tape VolumesConfiguration PartitionsSaveConfiguration command CLI Interface via ASCII-based CommandsReady Return type/mode Return format/content HostnameSummary of CLI Commands Command Defaults ExampleCLI index Zoneaddhost zone1 General Use Commands Ethernet Commands TelnetTimeout SNMPUpdatesTelnetPassword SNMPTrapsFibre Channel Configuration Commands FcScsiBusyStatus FcPortListFcPortName FcWWNameSerialPortHandshake Serial Port Configuration CommandsSerialPortBaudRate SerialPortEchoMaintenance Services Commands Diagnostic Commands TapeVolumeInfo PowerAudibleAlarmSledFaultLED RAID5ClearDataStatusDrive Management Commands IdeTransferRate DriveWipeLUNState IdeWriteCacheRAIDHaltRebuild RAID5ClearDataRAIDInterleave RAIDManualRebuildRebuildPriority RestoreModePagesTapeVolumeBlockSize TapeWriteProtectZoneDelete ZoneClearAllZoneCreate ZoneRemoveDeviceCLI configure drives RAID Level Configuring the Diamond-VTVirtual Tape Volumes Hot Spare sledsInterleave Enhancing performanceVirtual Tape To set up RAID Level 10 with Hot Spare sleds Optional Hot Spare SledPrinciples of Zoning Planned configuration is a work-in-processZones Device portion defines the LUNsStatus and Sense Data Factors to considerType ZoneInfo To remove zones Configuring ZoningTo create a zone To change current zonesErrors Zone definition tables The Zone commandsUpdating firmware via the RS-232 serial port Updating FirmwareUpdating firmware via the optional Ethernet card Cd c\diamond\flash Type put ....imaRS-232 Monitoring Port and CLI One tool to Diagnostics, Upgrade and MaintenancePower On Self Test Post Each time Ethernet Monitoring Port and CLI If the optionalSystem Fault LED and Error Codes If a serious Power Supply Monitoring The Diamond-VT25C 32C 35C 40C Disk Drive Activity and Disk Fault LEDs Each Monitoring, reporting Command Line Interface messages TroubleshootingWindows 2000 special instructions Error Messages Specific situations and suggestionsIf you cannot read or write to the Diamond-VT If a power supply failsIf you can’t access the Diamond-VT CLI via Ethernet Type FirmwareRestart in CLIDefault Resetting DefaultsFactory Default Return to Default settingsCommand Default Rebuilding RAID Level 5 and 10 Configurations To synchronize mirrored drives manually Hardware Maintenance Hardware maintenance Hot Swap Operating Instructions Disk DrivesTo replace a blower assembly Power SuppliesBlower Assemblies SAN technology Appendix a GlossaryFibre Channel technology Scsi protocolAppendix Appendix B ATA Disk Technology FeatureFibre Channel Appendix C LunInfo for a Jbod setup LunInfo PartitionInfo active 59TapeVolumeInfo ZoneInfoViii Simple configuration Appendix D Sample Zoning Command SequencesFirst time configuration after download Symmetric ModelZoneAddPort zone1 ZoneCreate zone2 Asymmetric ModelZoneClearAll ZoneCreate zone1 ZoneAddPort zone2 ZoneCreate zone3Combined Symmetric/Asymmetric Model Floor Mount Dimensions Appendix E SpecificationsRack Mount Dimensions Environmental and physicalEMC specifications Appendix F Product SafetySafety compliances Radio and television interferenceAppendix G Part numbers Description All modelsManufacturer limited warranty Appendix H WarrantyContact Atto Technology, Inc