2 – Operations and Administration
Target Configuration Window Field Descriptions
The following are descriptions for each field in the Target Configuration window: SNMP Target Addresses:
❥Address Name
Specifies a unique,
❥Transport Domain
Specifies the transport type of the address contained in the snmpTargetAddrTAddress object (e.g., = udp, = tcp).
❥Transport Address
Specifies the IP address in dotted decimal format.
NOTE: The combination of the Transport Domain and the Transport Address determines the trap destination.
Specifies the TCP or UDP port that the SNMP trap is sent.
Specifies the time (in milliseconds) that the trap sender waits on a response before
❥Retry Count
Specifies the number of attempts to be made to send the trap after a timeout condition occurs.
NOTE: Timeout and Retry Count are SNMP v2.c and above. Not applicable for v1 traps.
❥Tag List
Specifies which traps should be sent to this particular destination.
NOTE: RFC2233 specifies the link up/down traps. Including RFC2233 in the Tag
List specifies that the trap receiver will get link up/down traps.
Specifies a mapping to an entry in the SNMP Target Parameters table, determining the version of SNMP to use.
❥Storage Type