MITSUBISHI | 2033D SERIES UPS | Page Number: |
3.4Operating Procedures
A)UPS Start-up Procedure
1.Close External Input Circuit Breaker(User supplied. Refer to warning 2).
2.The “LOAD ON BYPASS.” LED turns on and power is supplied to the critical load from the static bypass line automatically.
3.Within ten (10) seconds, the “INV.OP.” LED flashes and the Inverter starts. The UPS will automatically transfer the load from the static bypass line to the inverter and the “INV.OP.” light turns on.
B)UPS Shutdown Procedure
1.If a total UPS shutdown is required, press the "STOP" button on the front panel. With in 3 seconds the “BYP.OP.” LED will turn on and the UPS will transfer the load to the static bypass line.
WARNING : Verify the load is OFF if the next step is to be performed.
NOTE : Power to the critical load is supplied through the static bypass line. Power to the critical load will be lost after execution of the next step. The load will drop.
2.If turning off all power to the critical load is desired, open the AC Input Circuit Breaker (User supplied.).
WARNING : In the bypass mode, all UPS power terminals are still live. Lethal voltages are present.
C)EPO (Emergency Power Off) Procedure
If all power supply shutdown is required in emergency, press the "EOP" button on the front panel. The UPS would be shutdown and the load will not be supplied.
WARNING : When remote EPO, it is necessary to open the input circuit breaker, which is user supplied.