Problems Operating PCMCIA Cards
Problems related to PCMCIA cards are usually related to improper card installation or interrupt and address conflicts. Go through the checklist below to see if you can correct the problem. If the problem persists after you have checked and corrected all of these items, contact the card vendor’s customer service representative.
______ Did you install the PCMCIA card according to the manufacturer’s instructions? Check
the documentation that came with the card.
______ Is there PCMCIA card service software loaded on the unit?
______ Is the PCMCIA card recognized? Is it supported by your card service software?
______ Has the PCMCIA driver been enabled?
______ Does your PCMCIA card conform to PCMCIA 2.1/JEIDA 4.1 standards? Check the
documentation that came with the card.
______ Check IRQ configuration.
______ Check memory address range.
40Planar Clean Screen PC User’s Manual