Texas Instruments TMS380C26 specifications Lpbk, Txc, Coll

Page 17







































































Terminal Functions (continued)











Network Media Interface ± Ethernet Mode (TEST1 = L, TEST2 = H)








































These pins have no Ethernet function. In Ethernet Mode these pins are placed in their token ring reset





state of DRVR = High, DRVR = Low.





























Ethernet Transmit Data. This output signal provides the Ethernet physical layer circuitry with bit-rate






from the TMS380C26. Data on this pin is output synchronously to the transmit clock TXC. It is













normally connected to the TXD pin of an Ethernet Serial Network Interface (SNI) chip.


























Loopback. This enables loopback of Ethernet transmit data through the Ethernet (SNI) device to













recieve data.
























= Wrap through the front end device














= Normal operation


























Ethernet Transmit Clock. A 10 MHz clock input used to synchronize transmit data from the








TMS380C26 to the Ethernet physical layer circuitry. This is a continuously running clock. It is normally













connected to the TXC output pin of an Ethernet SNI chip (see Note 5).


























Ethernet Receive Clock. A 10 MHz clock input used to synchronize received data from the Ethernet













physical layer circuitry to the TMS380C26. This clock must be present whenever the CRS signal is






active (although it can be held low for a maximum of 16 clock cycles after the rising edge of CRS).



When the CRS signal is inactive it is permissable to hold this clock in a low phase. It is normally

























connected to the RXC output pin of an Ethernet Serial Network Interface (SNI) chip. The TMS380C26













requires this pin to be maintained in the low state when CRS is not asserted (see Note 5).


























Ethernet Received Data. This input signal provides the TMS380C26 with bit rate network data from






the Ethernet front end device. Data on this pin must be synchronous with the receive clock RXC. It













is normally connected to the RXD pin of an Ethernet SNI chip (see Note 5).


























Ethernet Carrier Sense. This input signal indicates to the TMS380C26 that the Ethernet physical layer













circuitry has network data present on the RXD pin. This signal is asserted high when the first bit of













the frame is received and is deasserted after the last bit of the frame is received.
























= Receiving data.














= No data on network.


























Ethernet Collision Detect. This input signal indicates to the TMS380C26 that the Ethernet physical













layer circuitry has detected a network collision. This signal must be present for at least two TXC clock













cycles to ensure it is accepted by the TMS380C26. It is normally connected to the COLL pin of an







Ethernet SNI chip. This signal can also be an indication of the SQE test signal.














= COLL detected by the SNI device.














= Normal operation.


























Ethernet Transmit Enable. This output signal indicates to the Ethernet physical layer circuitry that













bit-rate data is present on the TXD pin. This signal is output synchronously to the transmit clock TXC.













It is normally connected to the TXE pin of an Ethernet SNI chip.
























= Data line currently contains data to be transmitted.














= No valid data on TXEN.

NOTE 5: Pin has an expanded input voltage specification.





Image 17
Contents Attached System Bus LAN Subsystem Network CommprocessorPIN Quad Flat Pack TOP View PinoutDescription Block diagram and signal descriptions PIN Name Description TMS380C26Terminal Functions AX1 AX0 MaxphMaxpl AX3 AX2Mreset OUT SresetMOE MrasNSELOUT0 NSELOUT1 PrtyenSbhe = HSintr Sddir Direction DIO DMAShrq SWR SRD= Selects 8-bit mode see Note 108 Reserved. This signal must be left unconnected see Note= Selects 16-bit mode SyncinSBHE/ Srnw System Interface ± Motorola Mode SI/M= L Sbgr Terminal Functions = L Sbrq SirqSlds SudsSdtack Nsrt FRAQ/TXDPxtalin RCVR/RXDColl LpbkTXC Terminal Functions VSS1 VSS2 VsslVSS3 VSS4 VSS5 VSS6System interface SIF ArchitectureCommunications processor CP Protocol handler PH Memory interface MIFClock generator CG Adapter support function ASFAddress Description Adapter-Internal Pointers for Token-Ring²Adapter-Internal Pointers for Ethernet ² ³ 68xxx Mode is always 16-bit User-Access Hardware RegistersWord Transfers Byte TransfersBit 5 Swddir Ð Current Sddir Signal Value Bits 0-2 Test 0±2. Value on Test 0±2 pinsSIF Adapter Control Register Sifacl Sifacl RegisterBit 7 Psdmaen Ð Pseudo-System-DMA Enable Bit 6 Swhrq Ð Current Shrq Signal ValueBit 8 Areset Ð Adapter Reset Bit 10 Boot Ð Bootstrap CP CodeBit 13 PEN Ð Adapter Parity Enable Bit 12 Sinten Ð System-Interrupt EnableBit 14 Ð 15 Nselout 0±1 Ð Network selection outputs System Psdmaen Swhrq Swhlda Sinten Interrupt ResultSysteminterrupt SINTR/SIRQ Sifacl Control for Pseudo-DMA OperationDMA SHRQ/SBRQ Dmadir Sddir Swhlda Swddir Swhrq Psdmaen SintenMIN NOM MAX Unit Recommended operating conditionsParameter Test Conditions MIN TYP MAX Unit See NoteHigh Low Test measurementVload IOL Output Under TestClkdiv = Oscout MBCLK1² MBCLK2² Reference PeriodsWhen Timing parameter symbology Static signalsSignal Function Timing parametersParameter MIN MAX Unit 289² ThRST Hold time of DMA size from High Intel mode onlyReaches minimum high level HVDDH-RSL 118² Pulse duration HighMinimun VDD High Level VDD Sbclk Oscin MBCLK1 MBCLK2 Sreset S8/SHALT103 101 106 104 105 102 107 110 108 109 111 117 118 119 288 289Mreset 126 Delay time from MBCLK1 no longer low to ValidNMI 121 Hold time Valid after MBCLK1 lowMADH0±MADH7 MresetMBCLK1 MBCLK2 MAX0 MAX2 ADD/EN Mromen Maxph Maxpl Mromen MAL Memory bus timing clocks, MRAS, MCAS, and MAL to AddressMADL0±MADL7 Maxph Maxpl Address Column RowAddress Status Column StatusMcas MOE Memory bus timing read cycleMaxph Maxpl MADH0±MADH7 Maxph MaxplMras Mcas MAX0 MAX2 MromenAddress Status Data/Parity MbiaenMemory bus timing write cycle MAX0, Address Enable AddressMAX2 Mromen Mras Mcas MbenParameter MIN Memory bus timing TMS380C26 releases control of busMddir MAL Mbiaen Mbrq Mbgr MBCLK1 MBCLK2 Mben75a 74a Hold time Valid after MBCLK1 low, bus resume Setup time High before MBCLK1 rising edge, bus resumeMemory bus timing TMS380C26 resumes control of bus Memory Bus Timing TMS380C26 Resumes Control of Bus Mben Mddir MAL Mbiaen Mbrq Mbgr Hold time Low after MBCLK2 low, external bus master read Memory bus timing external bus master read from TMS380C26Macs Mddir Macs MBCLK1 MBCLK2MAX0 MAX2 Maxph Maxpl MADH0±MADH7 Data/Pty Memory bus timing external bus master write to TMS380C26MAX0, MAX2 Maxph Maxpl MADL0±MADL7 Mras Memory bus timing Dram refresh timing73a Mcas MrefBit Xmatch and Xfail timing127 128 Xmatch XfailParameter MIN TYP MAX Unit Token ring Ð ring interface timingRclk RcvrRclk or Pxtalin Token ring Ð transmitter timing see FigureDrvr 160 159Ethernet timing of Xmit signals Ethernet timing of clock signalsTXD TxenCRS Ethernet timing of RCV signals Ð start of frameRXC RXDCrshld Ethernet timing of RCV signals Ð end of frame320 321 322TXD Txen Ethernet timing of RCV signals Ð no RXCNorxc TXC TXD 350Data JAM80x8x DIO read timing SRS0± SRS2 Sbhe SCS, SrsxSras Sdben80x8x DIO write timing 267 272a 280 281 Valid 264 265 268 256281a 282W 283W 276 279 275 282b80x8x interrupt acknowledge timing ± second Siack pulse 80x8x interrupt acknowledge timing ± first Siack pulseSRD, SWR SCS Siack 287 First 286 SecondSddir High SCS, Srsx SRS0±SRS2 Sbhe Siack SWR SRDSdben SRDY²HI-Z SADH0±SADH7 SADL0±SADL7,HI-ZSPH, SPLSown 80x8x mode bus arbitration timing, SIF takes controlSRD SWR SWR SownSADL0±SADL7 SPH, SPL Sbbsy ShldaSRD, SWR 212 Delay from Sbclk low to address valid 214 ² After Sbclk low to guarantee recognition on this cycleThis cycle 208b High TwSCKL ±Sbclk Sras Slds 80x8x mode DMA write timingSADL0±SADH7 SRD HighSADH0±SADL7 SPH, SPL Sddir High80x8x mode bus arbitration timing, SIF returns control Sbrls Sown 80x8x mode bus release timingTW or 208c68xxx DIO read timing Siack Srnw SRS0, SRS1Suds Slds SDTACK²HI-Z SADH0±SADH7 SADL0±SADL7,HI-Z SPH, SPLSuds Slds Sdtack 68xxx DIO write timingSDBEN³ SCS SRSX, SRS0, SRS1 Siack SrnwSDTACK² SADH0±SADH7 SADL0±SADL7,HI-Z SPH, SPLSCS Siack 68xxx interrupt acknowledge cycle timingSCS Srnw Sdtack Siack SdtackSdben SDTACK² HI-Z SCS, Srsx SRS0, SRS1 Sbhe Siack Srnw SldsSADH0±SADH7 SADL0±SADL7, HI-ZSPH, SPL 275 282a 255241 Delay from Sbclk high in TX cycle to High 68xxx mode bus arbitration timing, SIF takes controlSbgr SbrqSAS, Slds Sberr Sdtack SbbsySuds Srnw SADH0±SADH7 HI-Z SADL0±SADL7 SPH, SPL237R Delay from Sbclk high in the T2 cycle to Low 68xxx mode DMA read timingOn this cycle 208b Suds SASSale SADL0±SADH7 SADH0±SADL7 SPH, SPL Sdben Suds Slds 68xxx mode DMA write timingSADL0±SADH7, SADH0±SADL7 SPL, SPH SAS240 ² Setup SRNW, 68xxx mode bus arbitration timing, SIF returns controlRead HI-Z Write Sbclk Sbgr SdtackSIF HI-Z Write ReadSown Sberr 68xxx mode bus release and error timingSbrls Sown Sberr SdtackNormal completion with delayed start² Rerun cycle with delayed start²Sbclk Sdtack Sberr Shalt TH B TH E Sbclk Sdtack Sberr Shalt Sown254 0.010 NOM 635 0.025 NOM 76 0.030 NOM Jedec plastic leaded quad flat package PQ suffixJedec NO. Outline Terminals MIN MAX MO±069±ADImportant Notice