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Cameras Camera [1..7] Whitebalance Level: <1..16> | The Conference settings |
Specify which camera to control. Define the Whitebalance Level for the camera. Requires the Whitebalance Mode to be set to manual. Addresses the specific camera.
Example: Cameras Camera 1 Whitebalance Level: 1
Cameras Camera [1..
7] Focus Mode:
Determines whether the camera should be in auto focus or manual focus mode. Addresses the specific camera.
Auto: When set to Auto the focus will be updated throughout the call. When moving the camera, the system will use auto focus for a few seconds to set the right focus of the new camera position. After a few seconds auto focus is turned off to prevent continuous focus adjustments of the camera.
Manual: If set to Manual the focus is adjusted manually.
Example: Cameras Camera 1 Focus Mode: auto
Conference [1..
1] AutoAnswer Mode:
The Autoanswer setting determines whether an incoming call is put through automatically or manually. On: The system will automatically answer all incoming calls.
Off: All incoming call must be answered manually by pressing the OK key or the green Call key on the remote control.
Example: Conference 1 AutoAnswer Mode: Off
Conference [1..
1] AutoAnswer Delay:
Defines how long (in seconds) an incoming call has to wait before it is answered automatically by the system. Requires the Autoanswer Mode to be enabled.
Example: Conference 1 AutoAnswer Delay: 0
Cameras Camera [1..
7] Gamma Mode:
Applies to cameras which supports Gamma mode. The Gamma Mode setting enables for gamma corrections. Gamma describes the nonlinear relationship between image pixels and monitor brightness. Addresses the specific camera. The TANDBERG PrecisionHD 1080p camera do not need Gamma Mode. The TANDBERG PrecisionHD camera do support Gamma Mode.
Auto: Auto is the default and the recommended setting.
Manual: In severe light conditions, you may switch mode to manual and specify explicitly which gamma table to use by setting the Gamma Level.
Conference [1..
1] IncomingMultisiteCall
The Incoming Multisite Call setting determines whether or not the system should accept incoming calls to an already active conference.
Allow: When set to Allow, and with an ongoing MCU call/conference, the user can accept another incoming call. This will result in the incoming call being added to the MCU conference.
Deny: The system will not accept incoming calls when you are in a call. The calling side will receive a busy signal.
Example: Cameras Camera 1 Gamma Mode: auto | Example: Conference 1 IncomingMultisiteCall Mode: Allow |
Cameras Camera [1..
7] Gamma Level:
By setting the Gamma Level you can select which gamma correction table to use. This setting may be useful in difficult lighting conditions, where changes to the the brightness setting does not provide satisfactory results. Requires the Gamma Mode to be set to Manual. Addresses the specific camera.
Example: Cameras Camera 1 Gamma Level: 0
Conference [1..
1] FarEndControl
Lets you control if the remote side (far end) should be allowed to select your video sources and control your local camera (pan, tilt, zoom).
On: Set to On when you want the the far end to be able to select your video sources and control your local camera (pan, tilt, zoom). You will still be able to control your camera and select your video sources as normal.
Off: When set to Off the far end can not access any of the features above on your system.
Example: Conference 1 FarEndControl Mode: On
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