The TI is the maximum radiation level measured in mRem/hr at a distance of 1m from the external surfaces of the package. When recording the TI, the dose rate units of mRem/hr are not listed, for example a reading of 20 µSv/hr (2 mem/hr) would indicate a TI = 2.0. (Note that the TI is rounded to the nearest tenth value.)
8Properly complete two shipping labels indicating the contents (e.g.
9Assure that any old shipping labels have been removed from the package. Apply two properly completed labels to two opposite sides of the package (excluding the bottom surface). [49CFR172.403(f)]
10For air shipments within the USA, the package must be labeled with ‘Cargo aircraft only’ labels. Ensure that these labels do not cover any other package markings or labels.
11Mark the outside of the package with the proper shipping name and identification number (e.g., ‘Radioactive Material, Type B(U) Package, UN2916’ for a Type B shipment or ‘Radioactive Material, Type A Package, Special Form, UN3332’ for a Type A shipment) if not already marked. Place the letters RQ (stands for Reportable Quantity) next to the proper shipping name when shipping more than 10 Ci (370 GBq) of
12If the shipping package is inside a crate or other outer packaging, mark the outside package ‘Inside package complies with prescribed specifications’ and list the appropriate USNRC Type B number and the words ‘Type B(U)’ in letters a minimum of ½ in (13 mm) high (or ‘DOT Type A Specification 7A’ for
aType A shipment). [49CFR172.310; 49CFR173.471; 49CFR173.25]
13Assure that the levels of removable radioactive contamination on the outside surface of the outer package do not exceed 0.37Bq
14If the package gross weight exceeds 110 lb, mark the outside of the package with the gross weight. [49CFR172.310]
15Properly complete the shipping papers indicating:
a.Proper shipping name, United Nations Class Number ‘7’, and identification number (e.g. ‘Radioactive Material, Type B(U) Package, Class 7, UN2916’ for a Type B shipment or ‘Radioactive Material, Type A Package, Special Form, UN3332’ for a Type A shipment).
b.The letters RQ must appear next to the proper shipping name when shipping more than 10 Ci (370 GBq) of
c.Name of the radionuclide (e.g.,
d.Physical and chemical form (i.e. Special Form).
e.Activity of the source in Becquerels or other appropriate multiples of Becquerels on the DOT label and the shipping papers.
Note: number of Ci x 37 = number of GigaBecquerels (GBq).
f.Category of label applied (i.e. Radioactive Yellow II).
g.Transport Index.
h.USNRC identification number (i.e.
i.For export shipments, the IAEA identification number (i.e.
For Canadian shipments, include the Canadian Endorsement Number for the package.
j.Shipper’s certification: ‘This is to certify that the