Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup
Front Panel Universal
Serial Bus Header
Two extra USB headers (USB2/3 lo- cated at J21) can be used to provide front side USB access. You will need a USB cable to use either con- nection. Refer to the table on the right for pin definitions.
Front Panel Universal Serial Bus
Pin Definitions (J21)
Pin |
Number | Definition |
1 | +5V |
2 | P0- |
3 | P0+ |
4 | Ground |
5 | Key |
Serial Ports
There are two Serial Ports on the serverboard. The COM1 serial port (J5) is located on the back panel and the COM2 header (J38) is located near the USB 2/3 connector. See the table on the right for pin defini- tions.
Serial Ports Pin Definitions
(J5, J38)
Pin Number Definition | Pin Number | Definition | |
1 | DCD | 6 | DSR |
2 | Serial In | 7 | RTS |
3 | Serial Out | 8 | CTS |
4 | DTR | 9 | RI |
5 | Ground |
GLAN (Ethernet) Ports
Chassis Intrusion
A Chassis Intrusion header (J25) is located near JBT1 on the serverboard. Attach the appropriate cable to inform you of a chassis in- trusion. See the table on the right for pin definitions.
Chassis Intrusion
Pin Definitions
Number Definition