Command Attributes
•Port/Trunk – The switch interface.
•PVLAN Port Type – Displays private VLAN port types.
-Normal – The port is not configured in a private VLAN.
-Host – The port is a community port and can only communicate with other ports in its own community VLAN, and with the designated promiscuous port(s).
-Promiscuous – A promiscuous port can communicate with all the interfaces within a private VLAN.
•Primary VLAN – Conveys traffic between promiscuous ports, and between promiscuous ports and community ports within the associated secondary VLANs.
•Secondary VLAN – On this switch all secondary VLANs are community VLANs. A community VLAN conveys traffic between community ports, and from community ports to their designated promiscuous ports.
•Trunk – The trunk identifier. (Private VLAN Port Information only)
Web – Click Private VLAN, Private VLAN Port Information or Private VLAN Trunk Information.