The following example shows how to add VLANs 1, 2, 5 and 6 to the allowed list as tagged VLANs for port 1:
Console(config)#interface ethernet 1/1
switchport forbidden vlan
Use this command to configure forbidden VLANs. Use the no form to remove the list of forbidden VLANs.
switchport forbidden vlan {add vlan remove vlan} no switchport forbidden vlan
•add vlan - VLAN ID to add.
•remove vlan - VLAN ID to remove.
Do not enter leading zeroes. (Range:
Default Setting
No VLANs are included in the forbidden list.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet, Port Channel)
Command Usage
•This command prevents a VLAN from being automatically added to the specified interface via GVRP.
•If a VLAN has been added to the set of allowed VLANs for an interface, then you cannot add it to the set of forbidden VLANs for that same interface.