5.2.9 Auxiliary Control Register (base + 15)
This register configures the operation of A/D, D/A and the timer counter. It is
| Bit |
| Function |
| Explanation |
| |
| ||||
| ||
| 7 |
| External trigger source | 0 selects TTL trigger |
| |
| 1 selects analog trigger |
| ||
| ||
| 6 |
| 1 = with |
| ||
| ||
| 5 |
| Timer/Counter interrupt | 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled |
| |
| Clear overflow event latch | by writing ‘0’ into this bit |
| ||
| |
| 4,3 |
| Timer/Counter mode | 00 | = Reload |
| 01 | = Pause |
| |
| 10 = Go |
| ||
| 11 = Go/Pause by external gate signal |
| ||
| ||
| 2 |
| Timer/Counter clock source | 1 = External, 0 = Internal (1 MHz) |
| |
| |
| 1,0 |
| D/A update mode | 00 | = Direct update |
| 01 = When timer/counter overflows |
| ||
| 10 | = When ext. gate goes low to high |
| |
| 11 | = When pacer clock fires |
| |
5.2.10 Auxiliary Status Register (base + 15)
Bit 3 in this register is the logic “OR” of the two event latches in the status register, (EOS event latch and data FIFO event latch). This bit is “1” if either the EOS or FIFO event is latched. It is “0” if both the EOS and FIFO events are cleared by power up, reset or reading the status register. Table
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