Explanation of the signals
In order to let you set up and use this product correctly, please pay attention when reading or browsing the manual as you see these signals listed below.
Warning/ Danger
Users should read the explanation carefully and understand it completely, otherwise users might be in danger or even be injured.
Caution/ Be Careful
Remind users to be careful when setting up the product and to avoid damaging the product or its system programs.
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Thank you for purchasing products from Planex Communications Inc. If you have any RSHUDWLRQDOSUREOHPVZKLOHFRQ¿JXULQJRUVHWWLQJXSWKHSURGXFW\RXPD\FRQWDFWZLWKRXU Customer Service Department or ask the agent or the distributor from which you bought WKHSURGXFWIRUKHOS0RUHRYHUGXULQJZDUUDQW\LI\RX¿QGDQ\GHIHFWRUEUHDNGRZQRIWKH product, you may bring the product, assembly, and its warranty card to our company or to where you bought the product to ask for repair.
Every product has different warranty period and contract; please refer to our
company for further information or consult the agent or the distributor.
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