Magnum 700X | Installation and User Guide (05/98) |
2.5Features and Benefits
!Seven Ethernet Segments in a Single Unit
The Magnum 700X allows any mix of standard Ethernet media to reside in one unit, up to seven different segments, to expand and reconfigure any Ethernet network installation.
!RPMs (Repeater Port Modules) for All Standard Ethernet Media
Multiple RPMs support all of the various IEEE 802.3 standards including,
!Optional Bridge Port Modules (BPMs)
The Magnum 700X can be optionally configured with one or more BPMs. Each BPM contains a miniature,
!Multiple Mixed-Media Segments Form One Repeater
When configured with two or more RPMs supporting a single- or
!Front Mounted Connectors and LEDs
The installation of Magnum 700X units only requires front access for network connections. Similarly, the status LEDs are all readily visible from the front for ease of monitoring network operational status over time. This is especially convenient when the Magnum 700X is mounted on a shelf or in a wiring closet.
!Internal "Universal" Power Supply with Auto-ranging
An internal
!LEDs for Chassis, and for each PM Cards
The Magnum 700X chassis and each individual PM card are equipped with front- mounted traffic activity and segment status LEDs. The Magnum 700X chassis features a Power (PWR), Receive (RX), Collision (COL), and Jabber (JAB) LEDs.