–User specifies string to identify an SNMP user. (32 characters maximum)
–Group is the name of the SNMP group to which the user is assigned (32 characters maximum). There are three pre‐defined groups: RO, RWAuth, or RWPriv.
–Auth Type specifies the authentication type used for user authentication: “md5” or “none.”
–Priv Type is the encryption type used for SNMP data encryption: Either DES or none. If DES is selected, a key must be entered in the Passphrase field.
–Passphrase is the user password required when data encryption, Priv Type, is used (8 to 32 characters).
–Action: Add adds a new user. Edt allows you to edit an existing user, Del deletes the user.
•SNMP Groups allows you to combine the users into groups of authorization and privileges. Users must be assigned to groups that have the same security levels. If a user who has “AuthPriv” security (uses authentication and encryption) is assigned to a read‐only (RO) group, the user will not be able to access the database. An AuthPriv user must be assigned to the RWPriv group with the AuthPriv security level.
•Group List is the list of groups for SNMP v3 users. The access point enables SNMP v3 users to be assigned to three pre‐defined groups. The available groups are:
–RO is a read‐only group using no authentication and no data encryption. Users in this group use no security, authentication or encryption, in SNMP messages they send to the agent. This is the same as SNMP v1 or SNMP v2c.
–RWAuth is a read/write group using authentication, but no data encryption. Users in this group send SNMP messages that use an MD5 key/password for authentication, but not a DES key/password for encryption.
–RWPriv is a read/write group using authentication and data encryption. Users in this group send SNMP messages that use an MD5 key/password for authentication and a DES key/password for encryption. Both the MD5 and DES key/passwords must be defined.
–Security Level
‐noAuthNoPriv — A read‐only level using no authentication and no data encryption. Users assigned to this group use no security, either authentication or encryption, in SNMP messages they send to the agent. This is the same as SNMP v1 or SNMP v2c.
‐authNoPriv — A read/write level using authentication, but no data encryption. Users assigned to this group send SNMP messages that use an MD5 password for authentication, but not a DES key for encryption.
‐authPriv — A read/write group using authentication and data encryption. Users assigned to this group send SNMP messages that use an MD5 password for authentication and a DES key for encryption. Both the MD5 password and DES key must be defined.
–WriteView — Specifies an SNMPv3 write view for the group
‐None: No view specified indicates read‐only access.
‐Write: Users in the group have write access to all objects.
–Action — Adds a new group; Edt allows you to edit an existing group; Del deletes the group.