Using the CLI
b.Determine the code for your country, and then type country followed by your country code (for example, country US for United States).
c.Reboot the RoamAbout Access Point 3000.
RoamAbout 3000#country US
Please reset the AP to make the country code change effective RoamAbout 3000#reset board
Reboot system now? <y/n>: y
Username: admin Password:******** RoamAbout 3000#
5.If your access point uses a DHCP assigned IP address go on to change the default username and password.
Otherwise, disable DHCP for this access point as follows:
a.Type configure to enter configuration mode.
b.Type interface ethernet to access the Ethernet interface configuration mode.
RoamAbout 3000#configure
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CTRL/Z
RoamAbout 3000(config)#interface ethernet
Enter Ethernet configuration commands, one per line.
c.Disable DHCP. Type no ip dhcp.
DHCP client state has changed. Please reset AP for change to take effect. RoamAbout
RoamAbout 3000#reset board Reboot system now? <y/n>: y Username: admin Password:******** RoamAbout 3000#configure
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CTRL/Z RoamAbout 3000(config)#interface ethernet
Enter Ethernet configuration commands, one per line. RoamAbout
d.Set the IP Address. Type ip address ip‐address netmask gateway, where ip‐address is the access point’s IP address, netmask is the network mask for the network, and gateway is the default gateway router. Check with your system administrator to obtain an IP address that is compatible with your network.
RoamAbout 3000(config)#
After configuring the access point’s IP parameters, you can access the management interface from anywhere within the attached network. The command line interface can also be accessed using Telnet from any computer attached to the network.
RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Hardware Installation Guide