VibroPan (vibropan)
A vibrato is an effect that modulates the pitch of the incoming signal.This will take the whole signal slightly in and out of tune at a steady pace.The DigiTech® VibroPan also incorporates an automatic panner with the vibrato effect that creates a lush
Pre/Post Amp - Knob 2 determines where the effect appears in the effects chain.Turn
Speed - Knob 3 adjusts how fast the signal is being modulated. Depth - Knob 4 adjusts the amount of pitch change.
Vibrato/Pan- Knob 5 adjusts the amount of panning incorporated with the vibrato effect. When set at 0, this effect is a standard vibrato. As the parameter is turned up, the phase difference of the vibrato signal sent to the two channels is changed until a full stereo image is obtained at 99.
Waveform - Knob 6 selects a waveform: triangle, Sine, or Square.
Unicord Uni-VibeTM (unovibe)
Based on the Unicord®
Pre/Post Amp - Knob 2 determines where the effect appears in the effects chain.Turn
Speed - Knob 3 adjusts the rate (Speed) of the chorus modulation or spinning speaker (vibrato) effect. Ranges from 0 to 99.
Intensity - Knob 4 controls the intensity of the effect. Ranges from 0 to 99.
Chorus/Vibrato - Knob 5 selects either the chorus or vibrato effect.Turn counter- clockwise for Chorus, or clockwise for Vibrato.
Volume - Knob 6 adjusts the volume of the effect.
A Tremolo effect modulates the volume of the signal at an even rate.The RP1000 includes the following Tremolo types: tremolo (the DigiTech® Tremolo), sctrtrem (DigiTech Scattertrem (dual asynchronized tremolos)), optotrem (based on the Fender® Opto Tremolo), biastrem (based on the Vox® Bias Tremolo), and panner (the DigiTech Panner).
Pre/Post Amp - Knob 2 determines where the effect appears in the effects chain.Turn
Speed - Knob 3 adjusts the rate (Speed) at which the volume modulates. Ranges from 0 to 99
Depth - Knob 4 adjusts the intensity (Depth) of the modulating volume. Ranges from 0 to 99.
Waveform (DigiTech Tremolo and Panner only) - Knob 5 selects a waveform: triangle, Sine, or Square.