Wah Min/Max
You can set the Wah effect’s minimum and maximum values with the Expression row. To do so, follow these steps:
1.Press the Edit button until the Expression row is selected (indicated by the LED lighting on the Expression row).
2.Rotate Knob 1 to select wah pedl.
3.Rotate Knob 3 to adjust the Wah effect’s minimum value.
4.Rotate Knob 4 to adjust the Wah effect’s maximum value.
Expression Update
You can set up the RP1000’s Expression pedal to update its position each time you change presets. Normally, the Expression pedal only updates its position on a preset change when it’s linked to the Volume Pre or Volume Post parameter in a preset. This lets the Expression pedal behave like a real volume pedal between preset changes.When Expression Update is enabled (ON), the Expression pedal will update its position no matter what parameter it’s linked to, so it has more of an “analog” feel like a typical standalone expression pedal.
To enable the Expression Update function, follow these steps:
1.Press the Edit button until the Expression row is selected (indicated by the LED lighting on the Expression row).
2.Rotate Knob 1 to select EXPUPDAT. The default setting is for Expression Update is OF.
3.Press Knob 1 to enable or disable Expression Update.
Expression Update affects all presets. You don’t have to save this change to each preset.
Factory Reset
This function resets the RP1000 to its original factory settings. This procedure erases all custom User presets, and recalibrates the Expression Pedal.
ATTENTION: Performing this function will erase all
The procedure for performing a Factory Reset is as follows:
1.Press and hold the Store button while powering up the RP1000.
2.When the display prompts you with FACt RST, release the Store button, which is now flashing.
3.Press and hold the flashing Store button for 3 seconds until ReSTOReD appears in the display and release. The Restore procedure takes several seconds to complete; during the procedure, the display will count up. After the Restore procedure is complete, the Expres- sion Pedal calibration procedure will begin.
Expression Pedal Calibration
The Expression Pedal on the RP1000 needs to be recalibrated for use after you do a factory reset.This calibration procedure automatically starts after the factory reset procedure is com- pleted. (You can also start the calibration procedure by pressing and holding the currently active preset’s footswitch for about 5 seconds.) If the pedal’s calibration fails, or if the pedal does not function properly, it can be
1.Press and hold the currently active preset’s footswitch until PEDL CAL appears in the
display (BYPASS, TUNER, and EXIT will be displayed before PEDL CAL is accessed, after about 5 seconds.)
2.When the Display prompts you with TOE DowN, rock the Expression Pedal forward (toe down) and press Footswitch 5.