4.4 Port Controls
You can change the status of each port in this page. 1.State: You can enable or disable this port.
2.Auto Negotiation: You can set auto negotiation mode as Auto, Nway (specify the speed/duplex on this port and enable
3.Speed: You can set 100 or 10Mbps speed on Port1~Port24. And set 1000/100/10Mbps on Port25~Port26 (Gigabit Ethernet switch) or 100/10Mbps on Port25~Port26 (Fast Ethernet switch).
4.Duplex: You can set each port as
5.Flow control:
Full: You can set flow control function is enable or disable in full duplex mode.
Half: You can set backpressure is enable or disable in half duplex mode.
6.Rate Control: This switch, port1 ~ port 24, supports
Ingress: Type the port effective ingress rate. The valid range is 0 ~ 1000. The unit is 100K
0: disable rate control
1 ~ 1000: valid rate value
Egress: Type the port effective egress rate. The valid range is 0~1000. The unit is 100K.