Cypress CY7C601xx Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information, Worldwide Sales and Design Support

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Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information

CY7C601xx, CY7C602xx

Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information

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Document 38-16016 Rev. *E

Revised December 08, 2008

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Contents 1. Features 2. Logic Block DiagramCY7C601xx, CY7C602xx Cypress Semiconductor Corporation5. Conventions 3. Applications4. Introduction Figure 6-1. Package Configurations Top View 6. PinoutsCY7C60223 24-Pin PDIPCY7C601xx, CY7C602xx 6.1 Pin AssignmentsTable 6-1. Pin Assignments NameTable 6-1. Pin Assignments continued Default 7. Register SummaryTable 7-1. enCoRe II LV Register Summary AddrTable 7-1. enCoRe II LV Register Summary continued 8. CPU Architecture 9. CPU Registers9.1 Flags Register Table 8-1. CPU Registers and Register Name9.1.1 Accumulator Register Table 9-2. CPU Accumulator Register CPUA9.1.2 Index Register Table 9-3. CPU X Register CPUX9.2 Addressing Modes 9.2.1 Source ImmediateTable 9-7. Source Immediate Opcode9.2.5 Destination Indexed Table 9-11. Destination IndexedExample 9.2.6 Destination Direct Source Immediate10. Instruction Set Summary 9.2.9 Source Indirect Post IncrementTable 9-15. Source Indirect Post Increment 9.2.10 Destination Indirect Post IncrementCY7C601xx, CY7C602xx 11. Memory Organization 11.1 Flash Program Memory OrganizationFigure 11-1. Program Memory Space with Interrupt Vector Table 0x1FFF11.2 Data Memory Organization 11.3 Flash11.4 SROM Figure 11-2. Data Memory Organization11.5.1 SWBootReset Function 11.5 SROM Function DescriptionsTable 11-2. SROM Function Parameters Variable NameSettings 11.5.3 WriteBlock FunctionTable 11-5. WriteBlock Parameters 11.5.4 EraseBlock FunctionTable 11-8. ProtectBlock Parameters 11.5.6 EraseAll Function11.5.7 TableRead Function Table 11-10. Table Read Parameters11.6 SROM Table Read Description Page 19 ofeg ti Table 12-1. Oscillator Trim Values vs. Voltage Settings 12. Clocking12.1 Trim Values for the IOSCTR Register Gain value for the register at location 0x38 3.3V =12.2 Clock Architecture Description 12.2.1 CPU ClockFigure 12-1. CPU Clock Block Diagram Table 12-2. CPU Clock Configuration CPUCLKCR 0x30 R/WBit 71 Reserved Table 12-3. OSC Control 0 OSCCR0 0x1E0 R/WSleep Timer Sleep Timer ClockCPU when Internal Table 12-3. OSC Control 0 OSCCR0 0x1E0 R/W continuedBit 75 Reserved Table 12-4. Clock IO Configuration CLKIOCR 0x32 R/W12.2.2 Interval Timer Clock ITMRCLK Figure 12-3. Timer Capture Block Diagram Figure 12-2. Programmable Interval Timer Block Diagram12.2.3 Timer Capture Clock TCAPCLK Table 12-5. Timer Clock Configuration TMRCLKCR 0x31 R/W Page 27 ofXGM Setting 12.2.4 Internal Clock TrimTable 12-6. IOSC Trim IOSCTR 0x34 R/W Bit 40 GainTable 12-8. LPOSC Trim LPOSCTR 0x36 R/W 12.3 CPU Clock During Sleep Mode12.2.6 LPOSC Trim 13. Reset Table 13-1. System Status and Control Register CPUSCR 0xFF R/WBit 7 GIES Bit 5 WDRS13.1 Power On Reset 13.2 Watchdog Timer ResetTable 13-2. Reset Watchdog Timer RESWDT 0xE3 W 14. Sleep Mode14.1.1 Low Power in Sleep Mode 14.1 Sleep SequenceCPUCLK IOW SLEEP BRQ BRA PD Figure 14-1. Sleep Timing14.2 Wakeup Sequence Figure 14-2. Wakeup Timing15. Low Voltage Detect Control Table 15-1. Low Voltage Control Register LVDCR 0x1E3 R/WBit 76 Reserved Bit 54 PORLEV10 Bit 20 VM2015.1 POR Compare State 15.2 ECO Trim RegisterTable 15-2. Voltage Monitor Comparators Register VLTCMP 0x1E4 R Bit 72 Reserved Bit 1 LVD16. General Purpose IO Ports 16.1 Port Data Registers16.1.1 P0 Data Table 16-1. P0 Data Register P0DATA0x00 R/W16.2 GPIO Port Configuration 16.2.1 Int Enable16.1.3 P2 Data Table 16-3. P2 Data Register P2DATA 0x02 R/W16.2.7 Output Enable 16.2.6 Pull Up EnableFigure 16-1. GPIO Block Diagram 16.2.9 P0.0/CLKIN Configuration16.2.11 P0.2/INT0-P0.4/INT2 Configuration 16.2.10 P0.1/CLKOUT ConfigurationTable 16-7. P0.1/CLKOUT Configuration P01CR 0x06 R/W 16.2.12 P0.5/TIO0-P0.6/TIO1 Configuration 16.2.13 P0.7 ConfigurationTable 16-10. P0.7 Configuration P07CR 0x0C R/W 16.2.14 P1.0 Configuration16.2.15 P1.1 Configuration Table 16-12. P1.1 Configuration P11CR 0x0E R/W16.2.16 P1.2 Configuration Table 16-13. P1.2 Configuration P12CR 0x0F R/W16.2.18 P1.4-P1.6 Configuration SCLK, SMOSI, SMISO Table 16-15. P1.4-P1.6 Configuration P14CR-P16CR 0x11-0x13 R/W16.2.19 P1.7 Configuration Table 16-16. P1.7 Configuration P17CR 0x14 R/W16.2.21 P3 Configuration Table 16-18. P3 Configuration P3CR 0x16 R/W16.2.22 P4 Configuration Table 16-19. P4 Configuration P4CR 0x17 R/WFigure 17-1. SPI Block Diagram 17. Serial Peripheral Interface SPI17.2 SPI Configure Register Table 17-2. SPI Configure Register SPICR 0x3D R/W17.1 SPI Data Register Table 17-1. SPI Data Register SPIDATA 0x3C R/WTable 17-3. SPI Mode Timing vs. LSB First, CPOL, and CPHA DiagramCPHA CPOL18. Timer Registers 17.3 SPI Interface PinsFigure 18-1. 16-Bit Free Running Counter Block Diagram Table 18-1. Free Running Timer Low Order Byte FRTMRL 0x20 R/WTable 18-2. Free Running Timer High Order Byte FRTMRH 0x21 R/W Figure 18-2. Time Capture Block DiagramTable 18-3. Timer Configuration TMRCR 0x2A R/W 18.1.2 Time CaptureTable 18-4. Capture Interrupt Enable TCAPINTE 0x2B R/W Table 18-5. Timer Capture 0 Rising TCAP0R 0x22 R/WTable 18-6. Timer Capture 1 Rising TCAP1R 0x23 R/W Table 18-7. Timer Capture 0 Falling TCAP0F 0x24 R/WTable 18-8. Timer Capture 1 Falling TCAP1F 0x25 R/W 18.1.3 Programmable Interval TimerTable 18-10. Programmable Interval Timer Low PITMRL 0x26 R Table 18-9. Capture Interrupt Status TCAPINTS 0x2C R/WTable 18-13. Programmable Interval Reload High PIRH 0x29 R/W Table 18-11. Programmable Interval Timer High PITMRH 0x27 RTable 18-12. Programmable Interval Reload Low PIRL 0x28 R/W Figure 18-3. Timer Functional Sequence Diagram Page 52 ofFigure 18-4. 16-Bit Free Running Counter Loading Timing Diagram Figure 18-5. Memory Mapped Registers Read and Write Timing DiagramFigure 19-1. Interrupt Controller Block Diagram 19. Interrupt Controller19.1 Architectural Description Table 19-1. Interrupt Priorities, Address, and Name19.2 Interrupt Processing 19.3 Interrupt Latency19.4 Interrupt Registers Table 19-2. Interrupt Clear 0 INTCLR0 0xDA R/WTable 19-3. Interrupt Clear 1 INTCLR1 0xDB R/W Interrupt Clear 2 INTCLR2 0xDC R/W19.4.2 Interrupt Mask Registers Table 19-5. Interrupt Mask 3 INTMSK3 0xDE R/WPage 57 of Table 19-6. Interrupt Mask 2 INTMSK2 0xDF R/WTable 19-7. Interrupt Mask 1 INTMSK1 0xE1 R/W Table 19-9. Interrupt Vector Clear Register INTVC 0xE2 R/W Table 19-8. Interrupt Mask 0 INTMSK0 0xE0 R/W19.4.3 Interrupt Vector Clear Register 20.1 DC Characteristics 20. Absolute Maximum RatingsParameter Conditions20.2 AC Characteristics ClockSPI Timing Figure 20-1. Clock TimingFigure 20-2. GPIO Timing Diagram SCK CPOL=0SCK CPOL=1 MOSI MISOMOSI MISOSS SCK CPOL=0 SCK CPOL=1 MOSI MISO MSB21. Ordering Information 22. Package HandlingSCK CPOL=0 SCK CPOL=1 MOSI MSB23. Package Diagrams Figure 23-1. 24-Pin 300-Mil SOIC S13Figure 23-2. 24-Pin 300-Mil PDIP P13 3. DIMENSIONS IN INCHESPage 65 of Figure 23-3. 24-Pin QSOP O241Figure 23-4. 28-Pin 5.3 mm Shrunk Small Outline Package O28 Page 66 of Figure 23-5. 40-Pin 600-Mil Molded DIP P17Figure 23-6. 48-Pin Shrunk Small Outline Package O48 24. Document History Page Document NumberOrig. of SubmissionSales, Solutions, and Legal Information PSoC SolutionsWorldwide Sales and Design Support Products