CY7C1310BV18, CY7C1910BV18
CY7C1312BV18, CY7C1314BV18
Document History Page
Document Title: CY7C1310BV18/CY7C1910BV18/CY7C1312BV18/CY7C1314BV18,
Document Number:
*E | 1274723 | See ECN | VKN | Corrected typo in the JTAG ID code for CY7C1910BV18 |
*F | 2511674 | 06/03/08 | VKN/PYRS | Updated Logic Block diagrams |
| Updated IDD/ISB specs |
| Added footnote# 19 related to IDD |
| Updated power up sequence waveform and its description |
| Changed DLL minimum operating frequency from 80 MHz to 120 MHz |
| Changed ΘJA spec from 28.51 to 18.7 |
| Changed ΘJC spec from 5.91 to 4.5 |
| Changed tCYC maximum spec to 8.4 ns for all speed bins |
| Modified footnotes 21 and 28 |
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Document #: | Revised June 2, 2008 | Page 29 of 29 |
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