CY7C1410JV18, CY7C1425JV18
CY7C1412JV18, CY7C1414JV18
Document History Page
Document Title: CY7C1410JV18/CY7C1425JV18/CY7C1412JV18/CY7C1414JV18,
Burst Architecture
Document Number:
** | 808457 | See ECN | VKN | New Data Sheet |
*A | 1061960 | See ECN | VKN | Removed 300MHz speed bin |
*B | 1397384 | See ECN | VKN | Added 267MHz speed bin |
*C | 1462587 | See ECN | VKN/AESA | Converted from preliminary to final |
| Removed 200MHz speed bin |
| Updated IDD/ISB specs |
| Changed DLL minimum operating frequency from 80MHz to 120MHz |
| Changed tCYC max spec to 8.4ns for all speed bins |
*D | 2189567 | See ECN | VKN/AESA | Minor |
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Document #: | Revised March 10, 2007 | Page 26 of 26 |
QDR RAMs and Quad Data Rate RAMs comprise a new family of products developed by Cypress, IDT, NEC, Renesas, and Samsung. All product and company names mentioned in this document are the trademarks of their respective holders.
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