Using Commands While in monitor mode you can boot or reset the server and perform diagnostic tasks and other functions by entering commands.
You must be in monitor mode to use these commands. When you are finished, reset the server by pressing the reset switch on the front panel.
Command Descriptions Table
| commands in either upper- or lowercase at the angle bracket prompt. |
| Detailed descriptions of the commands follow the table. |
Table | |
Command | Function |
BT | Boots from a specified source, overriding the source specified in Initial Boot Source |
| parameter. |
CO* | Copies the contents of one diskette inserted in the disk drive to another diskette. |
DE* | Deletes the specified file from the diskette. |
DF* | Displays files on the diskette. |
DU* | Dumps the server’s memory to a set of diskettes. |
FC | Enters the Firmware Configuration Utility Commands menu. |
FO* | Formats a diskette. |
H or ? | Displays a list of commands and their syntax. |
K | Performs a soft reset of the server. |
UP | Uploads memory to the hard disk of an RBCS or TFTP server on the network. |
! | Repeats the last command. |
* Model CS/2600 only.
Syntax BT
BT <filenumber>
BT <filename> <address>
Description Boots the server from a specified source, overriding the Initial Boot Source parameter.
The <filenumber> parameter specifies a bootfile on the diskette (Model CS/2600 only). Valid entries are 0 through 9. For example, enter bt 2 to boot from file 2 on the diskette.