Control keypad | 61(86) |
Fault code
Possible cause
Correcting measures
| 16 | Motor | Motor overheating has been detected by | Decrease the motor load. | ||
| overtemperature | frequency converter motor temperature | If no motor overload exists, check the | ||
| model. Motor is overloaded. | temperature model parameters. | ||
| 17 | Motor underload | Motor underload protection has tripped. |
| |
| 22 | EEPROM | Parameter save fault |
| |
| 23 | checksum fault | − | faulty operation |
| − | component failure |
| 24 | Changed data | Changes may have occurred in the | No special actions required. Take a | ||
| warning | different counter data due to mains | critical attitude to the counter data. | ||
| interruption |
| |
| 25 | Microprocessor | − | faulty operation | Reset the fault | and restart. |
| watchdog fault | − | component failure | ||
| Should the fault | ||||
| nearest distributor.. |
| 32 | Fan cooling | Cooling fan of the frequency converter | Contact your nearest distributor.. | ||
| does not start, when ON command is |
| |
| given |
| |
| 34 | CAN bus | Sent message not acknowledged. | Ensure that there is another device on | ||
| communication |
| the bus with the same configuration. | |
| 36 | Control unit | NXS Control Unit can not control NXP | Change control units |
| |
| Power Unit and vice versa |
| |
| 37 | Device change | Option board changed. | Reset |
| |
| Different power rating of drive. |
| |
| 38 | Device added | Option board added. | Reset |
| |
| Drive of different power rating added. |
| |
| 39 | Device removed | Option board removed. | Reset |
| |
| Drive removed. |
| |
| 40 | Device unknown | Unknown option board or drive. |
| |
| 41 | IGBT temperature | IGBT Inverter Bridge overtemperature | Check loading. |
| |
| protection has detected too high a short | Check motor size. |
| |
| term overload current |
| |
| 42 | Brake resistor | Brake resistor overtemperature protection | Set the deceleration time longer. | ||
| overtemperature | has detected too heavy braking | Use external brake resistor. | ||
| 43 | Encoder fault | Note the exceptional Fault data record. | Check encoder channel connections. | ||
| See Additional codes: | Check the encoder board. | ||
| 1 = Encoder 1 channel A is missing |
| |
| 2 = Encoder 1 channel B is missing |
| |
| 3 = Both encoder 1 channels are missing |
| |
| 4 = Encoder reversed |
| |
| 50 | Analogue input | Current at the analogue input is < 4mA. | Check the current loop circuitry. | ||
| Iin < 4mA | − control cable is broken or loose |
| |
| (selected signal | − signal source has failed |
| |
| range 4 to 20 |
| mA) |
| 51 | External fault | Digital input fault. |
| |
| 52 | Keypad | The connection between the control | Check keypad connection and possible | ||
| communication | keypad and the frequency converter is | keypad cable. |
| |
| fault | broken. |