83Command sets supported. If words 82, 83 and 84 = 0000h or FFFFh command set notification not supported.
15 = shall be cleared to zero
14 = shall be set to one
0, 1 = supports Download Microcode command
84Command set extensions supported. If words 84, 85 and 86 = 0000h or FFFFh command set notification not supported.
15 = shall be cleared to zero
14 = shall be set to one
85Command set enabled. If words 84, 85 and 86 = 0000h or FFFFh command set notification not supported.
15, 1 = Identify Device DMA command enabled 14, 1 = NOP command enabled
13, 1 = Write Buffer command enabled 12, 1 = Read Buffer command enabled 11, 1 = Write Verify command enabled
10, 1 = Host Protected Area feature set enabled 9, 1 = Device Reset command enabled
8, 1 = Service Interrupt enabled 7, 1 = Release Interrupt enabled 6, 1 = Look Ahead enabled
5, 1 = Write Cache enabled
4, 1 = Packet command feature set enabled 3, 1 = Power Mangement feature set enabled 2, 1 = Removable feature set enabled
1, 1 = Security feature set enabled 0, 1 = SMART feature set enabled
86Command sets enabled. If words 85, 86 and 87 = 0000h or FFFFh command set notification not supported.
15 = shall be cleared to zero
14 = shall be set to one
0, 1 = supports Download Microcode command
87Command sets enabled. If words 85, 86 and 87 = 0000h or FFFFh command set notification not supported.
15 = shall be cleared to zero
14 = shall be set to one
88Ultra DMA
10 1 = Ultra DMA Mode 2 is selected
9 1 = Ultra DMA Mode 1 is selected
8 1 = Ultra DMA Mode 0 is selected
2 1 = Ultra DMA Modes 2 and below are supported
11 = Ultra DMA Modes 1 and below are supported 0 = Ultra DMA Mode1 is not supported
01 = Ultra DMA Modes 0 is supported
0 = Ultra DMA Mode 0 is not supported
128Security Status
8 Security Level 0 = High, 1 = Maximum
4 1 = Security count expired
3 1 = Security frozen
2 1 = Security locked
1 1 = Security enabled
0 1 = Security supported
131Spin at
7 – 11