The 3U
There are 3 documents that describe the operation of Delta Tau Data Systems Inc. 3U MACRO Station products:
UMAC System Manual (General Product Overview)
3U MACRO Station User’s Manual
3U MACRO Station Software Reference
This manual describes the interfaces and physical hardware that is used on the
The UMAC MACRO and the MACRO Stack provide a remote interface for encoders, flags,
The UMAC MACRO and MACRO Stack configurations communicate with PMAC2 Ultralites or Turbo PMAC2 Ultralites solely through the MACRO ring, interfacing to standard drives, encoders, flags, and I/O through on- board connectors. This MACRO Station integrated packaging and connectivity strategy provides revolutionary flexibility and ease of use.
A 3U MACRO Station consists of a set of “3U” format
When using the fiber optic MACRO interface, the 3U MACRO Station can be up to 3 kilometers (2 miles) away from the PMAC2 controller or any other station on the ring. When using the
The 3U MACRO Station allows PMAC2 MACRO controllers to control servo axes and I/O just as if they were directly connected to the PMAC2, even though they may be a great distance away. The only interface needed from the PMAC2 is the electrically isolated MACRO ring.
Typically, a PMAC2 “Ultralite” board, one without any of its own servo interface circuitry, is used with the MACRO Station to provide the most
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