Basic Modem Operation
Operating the Trumpcard
Using AT Commands
In order to communicate with the Modem, the Modem must be in command mode. In addition, you must have your communications software operating and communicating interactively with the Modem. The Trumpcard will automatically be in command mode after you turn on your computer.
Any commands you issue to the Trumpcard must be prefixed with AT (or at). The only exception to the “AT” prefix rules are the
It is not necessary that commands be entered after the “AT” sequence, but you must send a carriage return [RETURN] or [ENTER] key at the end of the command line.
The Trumpcard automatically senses the speed and data format of your communications package provided it is set to one of the following formats:
•Speed: 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200
•Data Format
Data Bits | Parity | Stop Bits |
7 | even or odd | 1 or 2 |
7 | none | 2 |
7 | mark or space | 1 or 2 |
8 | even or odd or none | 1 or 2 |
A command line may contain a single command or a series of commands. You can separate multiple commands with spaces for readability if you like. The “AT” prefix is only required once at the beginning of the command line. The command line may contain up to 41 characters. You can edit the command line using the backspace key and entering the new command. (You will not be able to edit the “AT” prefix once you enter it. If you begin to enter a command and change your mind, use the backspace key to remove the command up to the “AT” prefix and press [ENTER]).
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