will assist us in providing the best possible experience with this and future SmartDisk products.
Warranty Terms
SmartDisk Corporation warrants its products to be free of defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of 1 year from the date of purchase or 3 years from the date of manufacture, whichever occurs first. Products purchased in European Union countries covered by Directive 1999/44/EC are warranted for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase. SmartDisk's sole obligation with respect to claims of
SmartDisk's warranty obligations hereunder are expressly conditioned upon (i.) the Products being properly installed, used and maintained at all times by Customer; (ii.) the Products not being subject to unusual mechanical stress or unusual electrical or environmental conditions or other acts of God; (iii.) the Products not being subjected to misuse, accident or any unauthorized installation/deinstallation by Customer or other third party; (iv.) the Products not being altered or modified in an unauthorized manner, unless approved in writing or otherwise performed by SmartDisk and (v.) Customer promptly installing all Product revisions that have been released for such Products by SmartDisk throughout the warranty term. SmartDisk does not warrant that the Products will operate in any specific combination that may be selected for use by Customer or that the operation of the Products will be uninterrupted or error free, or that all non- conformance or defects will be remedied. Additionally, SmartDisk shall have no warranty obligations for any failure of the Products to conform to the applicable product specifications resulting from the combination of any Product(s) with hardware and/or software not supplied by SmartDisk. If it is determined that any Product(s) reported as defective or