Nortel Networks 7.05, 7.11 manual Conventions, Acronyms, and Terminology

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Security Target, Version 3.9

March 18, 2008













VPN, Router, Firewall, IPSec








1.3 Conventions, Acronyms, and Terminology

1.3.1 Conventions

There are several font variations used within this ST. Selected presentation choices are discussed here to aid the Security Target reader.

The CC allows for several operations to be performed on security requirements: assignment, refinement, selection and iteration. All of these operations are used within this ST. These operations are presented in the same manner in which they appear in Parts 2 and 3 of the CC with the following exceptions:

Completed assignment statements are identified using [italicized text within brackets]. Completed selection statements are identified using [underlined italicized text within brackets]. Refinements are identified using bold text. Any text removed is stricken (Example: TSF Data) and should be considered as a refinement.

Iterations are identified by appending a letter in parenthesis following the component title. For example, FAU_GEN.1(a) Audit Data Generation would be the first iteration and FAU_GEN.1(b) Audit Data Generation would be the second iteration.

1.3.2 Terminology

The acronyms used within this ST are described in Section 9 – “Acronyms.” TOE-specific terminology used throughout the Security Target is explained in Table 2 below:




Table 2 - Terminology
























Refers to the marketing name of the Nortel VPN Router.





User Types






Primary Admin


The Primary Admin account has the ability to conduct all administrative privileges and




rights of the TOE. The Primary Admin also has the ability to create and assign various




rights to additional administrators. There can only be one Primary Admin of the TOE.




Restricted Admin


A Restricted Admin of the TOE has various administrative privileges as assigned by




the Primary Admin. The types of privileges available to Restricted Admins are:




Manage Nortel VPN Router




View Nortel VPN Router








Manage Users




View Users






Refers to all administrators of the TOE (both the Primary Admin and any assigned




Restricted Admins)






Refers to VPN users or any person authorized to use the TOE but lacking




administrative privileges.






Refers to any human that interacts with the TOE, including Administrators and Users.





Privilege Types







Nortel VPN Router v7.05 and Client Workstation v7.11

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© 2008 Nortel Networks


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Contents Nortel Networks Corsec Security, Inc Revision History Version Modification Date Modified By Description of ChangesTable of Contents Protection Profile Claims Table of FiguresTable of Tables RationaleSecurity Target, TOE and CC Identification and Conformance Security Target IntroductionPurpose ST, TOE, and CC Identification and ConformanceTerminology Conventions, Acronyms, and TerminologyConventions TerminologyPrimary Admin password TOE Description Product TypeProduct Description Branch Office Deployment Configuration of the TOE TOE Boundaries and Scope Physical BoundaryLogical Boundary TOE EnvironmentWorld EnterpriseSecurity Audit Cryptographic SupportUser Data Protection Protection of the TOE Security Functions Identification and AuthenticationSecurity Management Trusted Path/ChannelsExcluded TOE Functionality TOE Security Environment AssumptionsThreats to Security Threats Addressed by the TOE Threats Addressed by the TOE EnvironmentSecurity Objectives Security Objectives for the TOENon-IT Security Objectives Security Objectives for the EnvironmentIT Security Objectives OE.TIMETOE Security Functional Requirements IT Security RequirementsTOE Security Functional Requirements ST OperationDescription ST Operation FAUSAR.1 Audit review Class FAU Security AuditFAUGEN.1 Audit Data Generation Auditable EventsDependencies FAUGEN.1 Audit data generation FCSCKM.1b Cryptographic key generation RSA Class FCS Cryptographic SupportFCSCKM.1a Cryptographic key generation Diffie-Hellman FCSCKM.4 Cryptographic key destructionFCSCOP.1b Cryptographic operation authentication FCSCOP.1d Cryptographic operation random number generationFCSCOP.1e Cryptographic operation hashing Security Target, Version March 18 Class FDP User Data Protection FDPACC.2 Complete access controlFDPACF.1 Security attribute based access control FDPIFC.2a Complete information flow control VPNFDPIFC.2b Complete information flow control Firewall FDPIFF.1a Simple security attributes VPNFDPIFF.1b Simple security attributes Firewall FDPUCT.1.1 FDPUCT.1 Basic data exchange confidentialityFDPUIT.1 Data exchange integrity FDPUIT.1.1FIAUAU.5 Multiple authentication mechanisms Class FIA Identification and AuthenticationFIAUAU.1 Timing of authentication FIAUID.2 User identification before any actionDependencies No dependencies FMTMOF.1b Management of security functions behaviour Class FMT Security ManagementFMTMOF.1a Management of security functions behaviour FMTMSA.1a Management of security attributesFMTMSA.3a Static attribute initialisation FMTMSA.1c Management of security attributesFMTMSA.2 Secure security attributes FMTMSA.2.1FMTMSA.3c Static attribute initialisation FMTSMF.1 Specification of Management FunctionsFMTMSA.3b Static attribute initialisation FMTSMR.1 Security rolesFMTSMR.1.2 Class FPT Protection of the TSF FPTAMT.1 Abstract machine testingFPTTST.1 TSF testing FPTRPL.1 Replay detectionFTPTRP.1.1 Class FTP Trusted Path/ChannelsFTPTRP.1 Trusted path FTPTRP.1.2FPTSEP.1 TSF domain separation Security Functional Requirements on the IT EnvironmentFPTRVM.1 Non-bypassability of the TSP FPTSTM.1 Reliable time stampsSecurity Target, Version 3.9March 18 Assurance Requirements Assurance ComponentsAssurance Requirements TOE Security TOE Summary SpecificationTOE Security Functions Description FunctionAccounting Logs Configuration LogSecurity Audit Security LogSystem Log Event LogFIPS-Validated Cryptographic Algorithms Cryptographic SupportFips Validated Modules Validation Modules Fips 140-2 Certificate #User Data Protection Identification and Authentication Security ManagementPower-Up Self-Tests Protection of the TOE Security FunctionsConditional Self-Tests TOE Security Functional Requirements Satisfied FTPTRP.1 TOE Security Assurance MeasuresTrusted Path/Channels Assurance Assurance Measure ComponentAugmentation to EAL 4+ assurance level Protection Profile Claims Protection Profile ReferenceRelationship of Security Threats to Objectives RationaleSecurity Objectives Rationale TOE Objectives Environmental Objectives Non-ITHack Certificate Security Functional Requirements Rationale OE.CERTIFICATERelationship of Security Requirements to Objectives Objectives RequirementsFunctions and data EnvAble to access such functionality FMTMSA.3a,b,cReject packets based on their attributes IntegrityDependency Rationale Security Assurance Requirements RationaleRationale for Strength of Function Functional Requirements DependenciesFCSCOP.1 TOE Summary Specification Rationale Configuration Management Secure Delivery and OperationDevelopment Guidance Documentation Life Cycle Support DocumentsTests Strength of Function Vulnerability and TOE Strength of Function AnalysesAcronym Definition AcronymsAcronyms DoDSHA