Revise History
Date | Content | Editor |
2012/4/2 | Update chapter 1.6 | Camille |
2012/5/8 | Modify ribbon and media loading path drawings (Add the media | Camille |
path for inside wound type) |
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2012/8/30 | Update chapter 1.4 | Camille |
| Modify section 1.2.2 (cutter spec) | Camille |
2013/4/2 | Modify section 4.3.2 (V7.0 F/W self test) |
| Add TSC YouTube web address |
2013/9/27 | Modify section 1.2 | Camille |
Modify section 2.2.3 |
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2014/4/14 | Modify agency compliance and approvals | Camille |