Start-Up Procedure: InfraStruXure System
The UPS interface displays the following fault screen:
f. Press any key.
Bypass not available
Input Freq/Volt out of range
Press any key...
The UPS interface displays the following fault screen:
g. Press the ESC key.
End of Fault List Press Esc to exit or other keys to view list again
The LOAD ON LED illuminates and the interface displays the following screen:
UPS load is on
Press any key...
After you have verified that the UPS operates correctly in
3. Command the UPS to turn off power to the load: a. Press the ESC key at the
screen to open the
b. Select Control, and press the ENTER key.
c. Select Turn Load Off from the Control menu, and press the ENTER key.
d. On the next screen: select Yes, UPS Load OFF, and press the ENTER key.
The LOAD ON LED turns off and the interface displays the following two screens:
UPS has been
commanded to turn load power off...
UPS load is off
Press any key...
InfraStruXure | 55 |