InfraStruXure System—Installation and Start-Up
The H2 LED above the Q2 circuit breaker illuminates, indicating that it is safe to operate the Q2 circuit breaker.
2. Close (turn ON) the Q2 circuit breaker on the InfraStruXure PDU.
The H3 LED above the Q3 circuit breaker illuminates, indicating that it is safe
to operate the Q3 circuit breaker
Yes, UPS into Bypass No, Abort
d. On the next screen: select Yes, UPS into Bypass, and press the ENTER key.
Graceful Turn Off Start Runtime Cal Turn Load On
Confirmation Screen
c. Select UPS Into Bypass on the Control menu, and press the ENTER key.
Control Menu
UPS Into Bypass
Do Self Test Simulate Power Fail Graceful Reboot
Control Logging
Status Display
Setup Diags Accessories Help
1. Command the UPS into static bypass operation through the UPS display interface: a. Press the ESC key to open the top-level
b. Select Control on the top-level menu, and press the ENTER key.
Return from maintenance bypass operation