DPM 9400 - User Manual
Depending on how you have configured the download process with SpeechExec Dictate, the download process is either started automatically or by pressing the DL/S.Instr button on the DPM. You can also configure whether individual sound files or all of the sound files will be transferred from the DPM to the PC.
To transfer data from the DPM to the PC with the automatic download functionality enabled in the DPM Downlod/Configuration program, do the following:
1.Make sure the DPM is connected to the PC and that the , DPM 9400/52: STOP).
The data transfer is started either automatically or by pressing the DL/S.Instr button on the DPM, depending on how you have configured the download process.
2.The progress of the file transfer is displayed.
3.When the download is finished, one of the following symbols will appear:
•The download finished successfully:
•The download did not succeed:
Note: Whether the downloaded files on the DPM are deleted after transferring depends on the corresponding settings in SpeechExec Dictate.
Additional information
•During transfer and as long as the DPM is connected to the PC, all buttons and switches on the DPM are inactive.
•For more information on the different download configuration options, including the automatic download procedure, refer to the SpeechExec Online Help or the User Manual delivered with the CD.
Mandatory user input
SpeechExec Dictate enables you to configure the DPM in such a way that mandatory information must be provided before you can start a recording. The mandatory user input options are:
•Mandatory Keyword input: This means that the menu entry for assigning Keywords is displayed automatically on the DPM when you create a new dictation. You cannot start recording the dictation unless you make selections for all predefined Keywords available on the DPM.