<min rate> This entry specifies the lowest data transfer rate which the modem may establish a connection.
<max rate> This parameter specifies the highest speed at which the modem may establish a connection.
S0 | Number of Rings to |
The modem automatically goes
Default: 0
S2 | Escape Character |
The value of S2 specifies an ASCII value for the character used to enter command mode. A value over 127 disables the escape sequence.
Default: 43
S3 | Carriage Return Character |
S3 specifies the AT command string terminator and modem response code termi- nator. The default is <CR> or carriage return (ASCII 13).
Default: 13
S4 | Line Feed Character |
The value of S2 specifies the line feed character.
Default: 10
S5 | Backspace Character |
S5 specifies the backspace character that is used to delete the last entered charac- ter. The default value is <backspace> (ASCII 8).