Pioneer DVR-RT501-S operating instructions +*,!%& * !#

Page 67

Editing the disc

VR mode


¥It is no problem to omit the procedures for confirming the scene or adjusting start and end points.

¥It is not possible to make any adjustments for 2 seconds after a title starts or 2 seconds before it ends.

¥To set a start point at the beginning of a title, set it during countdown.

¥The points during editing may be different from the preview.

¥Start and end points are adjusted in units of 1 second.


5Press or to select ÒSET STARTÓ at the start point of the scene that you want to erase and press ENTER. (To set the start point easily, search the start point while ÒSET STARTÓ is selected) The still image at the start point appears at the left small screen.

￿￿￿+(￿(￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿)￿￿￿*￿￿￿,￿￿!%￿&' ￿)* ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿!￿"￿￿#￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿

6Press or to select ÒSET ENDÓ at the end point of the scene you want to erase and press ENTER.

The still image at the end point appears at the right small screen.















7Check the erased scenes.

¥Select ÒPreviewÓ and press ENTER. Then the video where the scenes between the start and end points are erased is played back.

¥Each operation button (F.FWD, REW, SKIP 6, SKIP 7, PLAY, PAUSE/STILL) for playback also can be used.

8Adjust the start and end points.

¥To adjust the start point, select ÒAdjust startÓ and press ENTER. You can change the start point every one frame by

pressing or .

¥To adjust the end point, select ÒAdjust endÓ and press ENTER. You can change the end point in the same way as the start point.

9If you determine the scene to be erased, press or to select ÒFinishÓ and press ENTER.

¥A chapter mark is automatically added at the location of the erased scene.





8/4/05, 19:25

Image 67
Contents DVR-RT501-s Risk of Electric Shock Do not Open For USE in the United Operating EnvironmentKingdom Contents Media mark Tape playbackWhen YOU Experience the Above CONDI- Tions PrecautionsBefore using your unit What is Moisture CONDENSATION?Copyright AccessoriesEdit function FeaturesPlayback function Recording functionOperating DVD-Video DiscDiscs which can be played back Region management informationFormat modes that can be used with each disc VR modeVideo mode Recording formatTitle/Chapter/Track When recording in the VR modeWhen recording in the Video mode Disc playback in other playersSTANDBY/ON Parts and functionsFront Channel +/ÐDVD SP/LPCD-R CD-RWDVD/VCR Remote controlUse dry cell batteries type AAA/R03 How to install the batteriesConnection to a Satellite Receiver Connecting this unit to your TV using the Scart connectionsBasic connections Playback connectionInterlaced outputs Connect to a Stereo Amplifier with AudioOutput Progressive outputsBBC Automatic TV tuning and clock settingVarious settings PreparationReturn Using the Setup MenuPreparation EnterSelectable languages Setting the languageSelecting parental control Setting the parental controlTemporarily cancelling parental control To cancel the locked parental control levelYou can format, protect, or finalise a disc Setting the clockSetting the disc To set the Auto TimeNEW Disc Format DISPLAY/CALL Turning the screen display on or OFF Other System SetupSetting the screen Dimmer Brightness of the display windowVideo Still by FrameÒrgbó This section describes recording settings Setting the audioSetting the recording This section describes audio settingsBe labelled EXT / AUX etc Setting the otherÒUsing theSETUP Menuó onpage DivX VODAutomatic station presetting Setting the channelTo skip a channel position Select Òmoveó and press Enter Various settings Replace TV station positionsManual TV station presetting Select Òtuningó tuning scale and press¥ If a non-compatible disc is loaded Playback procedureDisc playback Press OPEN/CLOSE. The disc tray will openPress Enter or Play Playback by selecting a titlePress Title Menu Title menu will appearChecking media information Special playback Locating a specific scene Play mode screen will appearCommercial skip / Locating a specific scene Commercial skipTitle, Chapter repeat playback Repeat playbackOne touch repeat Repeat playbackDVD menu Title selection / DVD menuSubtitles Changing angles / Zooming / SubtitlesChanging angles ZoomingVo. on Changing soundtrack language / Karaoke playbackChanging soundtrack language Karaoke playbackPress Title MENU/TOP Menu Various operations on CDPlaying back a selected track Excluding specified trackPlaying back programs Random playbackRepeat playback of selected track Repeat playback of all tracksLimitations on MP3/WMA/ JPEG/DivX file playback Using the Browser screenWhen the file to be displayed is selected MP3/WMA/JPEG/DivX playbackWMA file specifications MP3 file specificationsPlaying back MP3/WMA files Next or the previous page. See Jpeg file specificationPlaying back Jpeg files Press To select Jpeg filePlaying back DivX video files DivX video file specificationsDifferent scanning modes Interlaced scan Progressive scanProgressive scan Tape playback Loading and unloading a cassette tapeTo rewind the tape or forward it rapidly Forward/Reverse picture search modeCassette tape playback To stop playbackSlow motion Adjusting tracking conditionPicture search Still pictureZero Return function Zero Return function / Video index searchsystemVideo index search system Recording modes Read this before recording on discRecording Types of discCopy Never recording prohibited Disc remaining timeImages that cannot be recorded Copy Free unrestricted recordingPress REC Appears on the screen for about Recording a TV programMODE/SPEED is pressed Press the numeric keys or CH + / toTo stop recording temporarily To stop recordingTo cancel OTR One-touch Timer Recording OTRPress numeric keys or CH + / to select Guide CH no Checking the channel setup to use the Video Plus+ systemVideo Plus+ programming system There are two ways to enter aPress Video Plus+ Setting the timer program using the Video Plus+ systemUse the numeric keys to enter the PlusCode number TYPE!#$OK% Once Cancelling the timer recording Checking or changing the timer recordingCase Timer programs-overlap Press Timer recordingSetting timer recording Preparation Timer REC SET screen will appearPress or to select Òchó and press Enter Select the recording mode and press EnterPress or to select Òtypeó and press Enter Press or to select Òdateó and press EnterProgram Deleted Parts Stereo recording and playback Output selection for DVD VR mode Video mode DVD-RNicam programmes are divided into 4 types as shown below Playlist Editing the discEditing the disc Original titleCreating a playlist Editing a playlistPress Display to return the title menu Changing a title namePress Enter Edit Title screen appears Erasing a scene Edit title+*,!%& * !# Title Menu Combining the titlePress Enter Selected playlist will be erased Erasing a playlistAdding a chapter mark Editing an original titleCombining chapters Changing an original title name Erasing a scene Edit title Erasing an original title Changing a disc name Changing a disc nameYou can change a disc name from the title menu There are two methods for inputting characters Editing the disc Using the keyboard screenKeyboard screen types Inputting charactersSelecting between uppercase and lowercase letters Cancelling character inputCancel Erasing a characterDubbing Dubbing a tape onto a discYou can record video or audio on a video tape onto a disc Dubbing only the specified titles or the playlist Dubbing a disc onto a tapeDubbing only a specified scene When a video is recorded using this unit Preparation Dubbing using other equipmentYou can connect another VCR or camcorder for dubbing Dubbing with A/V-cable or S-Video cable not supplied Dubbing Playback unit connectionDubbing with Scart cable not supplied MP3 GlossaryAdditional information DTSScreen sizes and disc formats Setup MenuScreen sizes and disc formats Language code list Cause Possible Solutions Error/Warning message listSymptoms Possible Solutions VCR/DVD Problems and troubleshootingDVD Resetting the recorder Video head cleaningVideo Head Clogging Dont Other Additional informationVCR section SpecificationsAccessories GeneralAdditional information Additional information Pioneer Corporation