| DDNS server |
DDNS server | Website provided by dynamic domain name supplier. |
| The options: |
User name | User name for log in setup on the website of domain |
| name supplier |
Password | Password for log in to the website of domain name |
| supplier |
Host domain | The domain name user registered at the supplier’s |
| website. |
Update interval | The interval time of checking DVR IP address |
4.7 User Management Configuration
Step 1: Enter into system configurationuser management configuration; refer to Fig
Step2: Click Add button, a dialog box will
General: Input user name, password; select user type: normal or advance.
①If you only want the user to be able to access the DVR from a specific computer then put a checkmark in the Binding PC MAC Address option and enter the MAC address of the only PC you want the user to be able to access from